Cladding - Single Building Assessments and additional work assessments: standards

The Single Building Assessment (SBA) standards set out the process that must be followed when undertaking assessment and if needed remediation for buildings as set out in section 32 of the Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Act 2024.

Updating the Single Building Assessment

Where remediation works have been undertaken, section 5.2.18 of the SBA specification outlines that the commissioning party (persons or persons who instructed the SBA be initiated) must have the SBA updated to reflect the remedial works that have been undertaken and conclude the tolerable risk that is now present. The updating of the SBA is an essential step, following this update the SBA must be provided to Scottish Ministers to allow the Register to be updated. This provides assurance that any works undertaken address the risks identified in the initial SBA (or AWAs, if any) and that the building is now at a tolerable risk level.

This process of assurance must be undertaken by the assessor who undertook the SBA, or another industry professional who meets the competency requirements set out in Section 2.8 (and is authorised by the Scottish Ministers) if the former is not available. For the assessor to undertake this duty the commissioning party must ensure all relevant documentation is made available in relation to assessment, design, works, and remediation.

In addition, the assessor in satisfying themselves that the works have been undertaken as per the SBA (and AWAs, if any), must assure themselves of the following:

  • any works set out in Table 3, Appendix H[5] of the SBA specification and the design plan and work(s) contracts have been implemented and complied with.
  • any requirements specified in any building warrant and other required statutory consents have been carried out as necessary, and the completion certificate has been accepted by the verifier/Local Authority.



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