
Transitions to adulthood strategy: statement of intent

This statement of intent summarises the research and engagement to date on Scotland’s first National Transitions to Adulthood Strategy, and sets out what the Scottish Government has heard it should focus on in order to improve the lived experiences of transitions for Scotland’s disabled young people.

What young people have already told us…

"We should feel happy, supported and confident as we move towards whatever comes next"

"[Support should] help disabled young people and students with additional support needs transition to whatever destination they want to go to"

Good support means having a good team, a good manager and getting the pitch conditions right"

"Not everyone will have the same path; success looks different for everyone… People shouldn't dictate what you do, you should decide what support you need"

"Make time, we need extra support and that's fine…Ask the question – what is it you actually need? Talk through all the support and check that it works for me"



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