Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics, 2010-11

Criminal Justice Social Work Statistics

Table 31 Bail information, Court services and HDC assessments, 2008-09 to 2010-11

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
Bail information
Requests from court for bail information 7,606 1,246 8,852 7,356 1,705 9,061 6,889 1,466 8,355
Bail supervision cases
Number commenced 382 201 583 341 140 481 370 128 498
Number of individuals 339 157 496 318 118 436 329 117 446
Court services
Total number of stand down reports (1) 1,528 341 1,869 1,538 358 1,896 1,478 553 2,031
Number of written stand down reports (1) 364 92 456 275 70 345 569 179 748
Number of oral stand down reports (1) 1,164 249 1,413 1,263 288 1,551 909 374 1,283
Number of post sentence interviews 13,887 2,568 16,455 15,322 3,283 18,605 14,872 3,218 18,090
Reports providing information for sentencers on day of court (2) - - - - - - 236 134 370
Home Detention Curfew Assessments
Number of Reports 2,797 434 3,231 2,832 371 3,203 2,536 381 2,917
Number of Individuals 2,585 380 2,965 2,576 335 2,911 2,336 329 2,665

1. Since last publication, Eilean Siar and Shetland have provided revised figures for 2008-09 and 2009-10.
2. Information collected for the first time in 2010-11, since the local authorities began producing the new criminal justice social work reports.

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