
Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2010-11

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2010-11

Table 4(a) People with a charge proved by main crime/offence, 2001-02 - 2010-11

Main Crime or Offence 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 1 % change 2009-10 to 2010-11 All offences proved 2010-11 1,2
All crimes and offences 117,089 122,826 128,518 129,732 128,204 134,413 133,607 125,889 121,028 115,398 -5 154,023
All crimes 42,101 42,780 43,321 44,720 43,297 47,027 46,950 45,213 42,194 40,924 -3 54,477
Non-sexual crimes of violence 2,092 2,381 2,595 2,427 2,458 2,461 2,749 2,655 2,460 2,517 2 2,770
Homicide 103 99 131 143 111 121 136 114 116 116 0 120
Serious assault and attempted murder 1,171 1,360 1,474 1,374 1,560 1,495 1,731 1,707 1,507 1,406 -7 1,458
Robbery 627 682 689 610 512 529 548 561 532 519 -2 619
Other 191 240 301 300 275 316 334 273 305 476 56 573
Crimes of indecency 614 562 666 810 853 866 790 947 837 766 -8 1,077
Rape and attempted rape 67 55 58 70 61 59 49 41 54 36 -33 45
Sexual assault 307 282 297 270 262 259 259 285 260 280 8 173
Prostitution 110 99 126 225 282 299 228 229 165 160 -3 498
Other 130 126 185 245 248 249 254 392 358 290 -19 361
Crimes of dishonesty 21,513 21,661 19,847 19,654 18,007 18,398 17,753 17,450 15,971 15,606 -2 20,574
Housebreaking 2,672 2,751 2,508 2,372 2,074 2,025 1,867 1,860 1,604 1,536 -4 1,920
Theft by opening a lockfast place 1,478 1,448 1,288 1,194 951 911 944 863 722 663 -8 1,092
Theft of a motor vehicle 1,319 1,337 1,098 975 847 851 776 733 572 482 -16 1,030
Shoplifting 8,366 8,826 8,123 8,427 8,162 8,548 8,457 8,287 8,098 7,842 -3 9,379
Other theft 4,278 3,894 3,652 3,666 3,289 3,430 3,258 3,113 2,765 2,849 3 3,859
Fraud 1,479 1,459 1,443 1,354 1,243 1,179 1,159 1,220 953 903 -5 1,460
Other 1,921 1,946 1,735 1,666 1,441 1,454 1,292 1,374 1,257 1,331 6 1,834
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc 4,051 4,212 4,759 5,025 5,000 5,438 5,392 4,375 3,836 3,351 -13 4,417
Fire-raising 125 147 169 192 192 251 224 244 190 158 -17 192
Vandalism, etc 3,926 4,065 4,590 4,833 4,808 5,187 5,168 4,131 3,646 3,193 -12 4,225
Other crimes 13,831 13,964 15,454 16,804 16,979 19,864 20,266 19,786 19,090 18,684 -2 25,639
Crimes against public justice 5,265 5,058 5,291 5,771 5,764 7,218 8,043 8,704 8,351 8,491 2 12,808
Handling an offensive weapon 2,633 2,771 2,875 3,447 3,500 3,550 3,422 3,541 2,866 2,473 -14 2,960
Drugs 5,913 6,111 7,258 7,555 7,606 8,893 8,533 7,303 7,683 7,500 -2 9,622
Other 20 24 30 31 109 203 268 238 190 220 16 249
All offences 74,988 80,046 85,197 85,012 84,907 87,386 86,657 80,676 78,834 74,474 -6 99,546
Miscellaneous offences 30,144 32,052 34,536 37,488 39,668 42,272 41,301 35,745 32,854 30,410 -7 42,080
Common assault 10,823 11,745 12,317 13,574 14,427 15,443 15,502 15,137 14,148 13,640 -4 17,978
Breach of the peace 13,950 14,384 15,050 16,172 16,894 18,104 17,494 16,003 14,077 11,003 -22 15,916
Drunkenness 374 370 418 311 293 261 235 129 146 160 10 295
Other 4,997 5,553 6,751 7,431 8,054 8,464 8,070 4,476 4,483 5,607 25 7,891
Motor vehicle offences 44,844 47,994 50,661 47,524 45,239 45,114 45,356 44,931 45,980 44,064 -4 57,466
Dangerous and careless driving 3,319 3,628 4,118 3,810 3,621 3,774 3,967 3,696 3,404 3,162 -7 3,833
Drink/drug driving 6,538 9,508 8,158 8,001 7,970 8,066 7,820 7,222 6,232 5,347 -14 5,948
Speeding 9,684 9,809 12,675 13,521 12,252 13,395 14,156 13,589 14,357 12,945 -10 13,225
Unlawful use of vehicle 18,553 19,192 19,563 16,696 14,712 13,450 13,609 12,741 12,175 11,034 -9 18,996
Vehicle defect offences 1,252 1,510 1,859 1,791 1,652 1,707 1,414 1,483 1,662 1,723 4 2,880
Other 5,498 4,347 4,288 3,705 5,032 4,722 4,390 6,200 8,150 9,853 21 12,584

1. Figures for some categories dealt with by the high court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of disposals - see annex B.
2. Number of individual offences relating to people with a charge proved, whether or not the main crime/offence involved.

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