
Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2010-11

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2010-11

Table 6(a) Males with a charge proved by main crime/offence and age, 2010-11

Main crime or offence Number Per cent
Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences 15,117 35,109 46,659 96,886 100 100 100 100
All crimes 6,729 13,616 13,947 34,292 45 39 30 35
Non-sexual crimes of violence 667 929 600 2,196 4 3 1 2
Homicide 18 38 44 100 * * * *
Serious assault and attempted murder 439 559 299 1,297 3 2 1 1
Robbery 149 212 98 459 1 1 * *
Other 61 120 159 340 * * * *
Crimes of indecency 109 144 322 575 1 * 1 1
Rape and attempted rape 4 13 19 36 * * * *
Sexual assault 36 65 175 276 * * * *
Prostitution - - 1 1 - - * *
Other 69 66 127 262 * * * *
Crimes of dishonesty 1,903 5,126 5,411 12,440 13 15 12 13
Housebreaking 379 571 514 1,464 3 2 1 2
Theft by opening a lockfast place 117 262 228 607 1 1 * 1
Theft of a motor vehicle 200 192 72 464 1 1 * *
Shoplifting 532 2,377 2,863 5,772 4 7 6 6
Other theft 448 1,009 898 2,355 3 3 2 2
Fraud 47 246 319 612 * 1 1 1
Other 180 469 517 1,166 1 1 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc 1,096 1,142 753 2,991 7 3 2 3
Fire-raising 53 47 33 133 * * * *
Vandalism, etc 1,043 1,095 720 2,858 7 3 2 3
Other crimes 2,954 6,275 6,861 16,090 20 18 15 17
Crimes against public justice 1,694 2,676 2,839 7,209 11 8 6 7
Handling an offensive weapon 656 880 760 2,296 4 3 2 2
Drugs 579 2,683 3,177 6,439 4 8 7 7
Other 25 36 85 146 * * * *
All offences 8,388 21,493 32,712 62,594 55 61 70 65
Miscellaneous offences 5,067 9,047 11,154 25,268 34 26 24 26
Common assault 2,561 4,260 4,333 11,154 17 12 9 12
Breach of the peace 1,844 3,419 4,261 9,524 12 10 9 10
Drunkenness 4 59 67 130 * * * *
Other 658 1,309 2,493 4,460 4 4 5 5
Motor vehicle offences 3,321 12,446 21,558 37,326 22 35 46 39
Dangerous and careless driving 538 890 1,310 2,739 4 3 3 3
Drink/drug driving 502 1,436 2,508 4,446 3 4 5 5
Speeding 540 3,294 7,207 11,041 4 9 15 11
Unlawful use of vehicle 1,029 3,395 4,660 9,084 7 10 10 9
Vehicle defect offences 191 530 859 1,580 1 2 2 2
Other 521 2,901 5,014 8,436 3 8 11 9
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