
Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2010-11

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2010-11

Table 10(c) Average length of custodial sentence in days, by main crime/offence, 2001-02 - 2010-11

Main Crime or Offence 1 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2 2010-11 2
All crimes and offences 243 252 257 238 229 232 248 262 282 277
All crimes 283 297 301 283 273 280 300 309 329 321
Non-sexual crimes of violence 937 969 964 881 882 906 926 906 904 877
Homicide 1,955 2,092 2,056 2,191 1,927 1,957 2,630 2,276 2,201 2,302
Serious assault and attempted murder 869 948 906 866 892 899 877 888 910 920
Robbery 927 924 942 664 726 818 727 802 761 816
Other 813 632 608 601 770 589 658 617 610 271
Crimes of indecency 1,211 1,274 1,085 1,307 1,043 1,223 1,237 1,326 1,246 1,279
Rape and attempted rape 2,255 2,180 1,941 1,960 2,191 2,072 2,682 2,473 2,203 2,085
Sexual Assault 749 926 794 982 758 1,024 839 1,007 1,085 1,197
Prostitution 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
Other 1,362 1,069 1,126 1,207 616 678 758 1,159 744 854
Crimes of dishonesty 137 140 137 128 128 134 138 142 152 154
Housebreaking 205 219 207 193 211 211 228 223 242 254
Theft by opening a lockfast place 141 128 148 133 127 129 128 149 169 172
Theft of a motor vehicle 153 140 156 120 120 135 133 158 159 152
Shoplifting 99 99 97 97 93 90 94 98 101 105
Other theft 125 147 125 134 124 119 128 137 156 159
Fraud 194 161 249 159 195 263 222 235 235 244
Other 128 131 125 104 125 151 178 152 177 143
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc 153 164 125 140 138 168 188 176 198 194
Fire-raising 533 458 395 450 385 507 469 447 470 563
Vandalism, etc 97 111 90 103 92 112 142 128 158 144
Other crimes 302 319 307 286 249 239 263 276 304 309
Crimes against public justice 74 85 78 89 84 74 88 95 100 112
Handling an offensive weapon 119 112 116 111 118 161 218 263 273 288
Drugs 652 717 655 629 585 548 559 545 575 577
Other 1,038 1,576 1,415 326 159 221 215 183 659 155
All offences 135 142 152 136 134 132 138 160 174 176
Miscellaneous offences 117 127 136 122 124 125 130 157 172 173
Common assault 146 147 167 148 146 145 149 170 195 189
Breach of the peace 81 91 88 85 80 83 87 108 115 124
Drunkenness 49 26 27 27 30 38 0 45 32 29
Other 159 221 236 172 285 279 301 350 352 223
Motor vehicle offences 171 169 183 171 165 157 170 176 188 202
Dangerous and careless driving 234 224 303 259 261 212 233 230 241 289
Drink/drug driving 116 115 120 131 112 105 124 142 137 130
Speeding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Unlawful use of vehicle 171 172 178 165 161 161 168 174 189 204
Vehicle defect offences 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 84 106 48 213 76 95 115 80 123 152

1. Average sentence lengths exclude life sentences and indeterminate detention.
2. Figures for some categories dealt with by the high court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of disposals - see annex B.

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