
Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2010-11

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2010-11

Table 16 Number of bail orders issued to individuals accused of crimes or offences, by gender and age, in 2010-11
1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 4,189 678 238 192 5,297
Male 21,742 4,324 1,416 933 28,415
Under 21 4,455 1,097 416 362 6,330
21-30 9,321 1,963 619 402 12,305
Over 30 12,155 1,942 619 361 15,077
Total 1,2 25,932 5,002 1,654 1,125 33,713
Per cent
1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 79 13 4 4 100
Male 77 15 5 3 100
Under 21 70 17 7 6 100
21-30 76 16 5 3 100
Over 30 81 13 4 2 100
Total 1,2 77 15 5 3 100

1. Contains a small number of bail orders where gender and/or age are unknown.
2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on the same day.

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