
Statistical Bulletin: Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2010-11

Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2010-11

Table 2a People proceeded against in court by main crime/offence and outcome of court proceedings, 2010-11

Main crime or offence 1 PNGA2,3 or deserted 4 Acquitted not guilty Acquitted not proven Charge proved Total
All crimes and offences 9,336 4,658 876 115,398 130,268
All crimes 4,213 1,646 378 40,924 47,161
Non-sexual crimes of violence 404 460 151 2,517 3,532
Homicide 5 14 3 116 138
Serious assault and attempted murder 248 321 120 1,406 2,095
Robbery 85 60 12 519 676
Other 66 65 16 476 623
Crimes of indecency 49 120 53 766 988
Rape and attempted rape 3 31 11 36 81
Sexual assault 22 68 29 280 399
Prostitution 3 1 - 160 164
Other 21 20 13 290 344
Crimes of dishonesty 1,586 302 36 15,606 17,530
Housebreaking 201 48 10 1,536 1,795
Theft by opening a lockfast place 82 17 3 663 765
Theft of a motor vehicle 132 17 - 482 631
Shoplifting 486 19 3 7,842 8,350
Other theft 392 91 9 2,849 3,341
Fraud 102 35 3 903 1,043
Other 191 75 8 1,331 1,605
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc 382 183 13 3,351 3,929
Fire-raising 15 15 3 158 191
Vandalism, etc 367 168 10 3,193 3,738
Other crimes 1,792 581 125 18,684 21,182
Crimes against public justice 831 226 35 8,491 9,583
Handling an offensive weapon 227 213 50 2,473 2,963
Drugs 726 132 35 7,500 8,393
Other 8 10 5 220 243
All offences 5,123 3,012 498 74,474 83,107
Miscellaneous offences 3,169 2,169 400 30,410 36,148
Common assault 1,648 1,349 233 13,640 16,870
Breach of the peace 1,046 543 113 11,003 12,705
Drunkenness 6 3 - 160 169
Other 469 274 54 5,607 6,404
Motor vehicle offences 1,954 843 98 44,064 46,959
Dangerous and careless driving 144 164 17 3,162 3,487
Drink/drug driving 112 153 25 5,347 5,637
Speeding 165 48 6 12,945 13,164
Unlawful use of vehicle 972 80 6 11,034 12,092
Vehicle defect offences 147 25 3 1,723 1,898
Other 414 373 41 9,853 10,681

1. Excludes people against whom proceedings are started but which are dropped before they reach court.
2. Plea of not guilty accepted.
3. Includes cases where proceedings are dropped after a person has been called to court eg if witnesses cannot be traced.
4. Deserted simpliciter.

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