
Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts, 2006/07

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts 2006-07

11. Appendix of Tables

Table 1 Summary of known action, 1997/98-2006/07

Persons proceeded against
Table 2 Persons proceeded against in court by main crime/offence and estimated outcome, 2006/07

Persons convicted
Table 3 Persons with a charge proved by type of court, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 4(a) Persons with a charge proved by main crime/offence, 1997/98-2006/07 (Numbers)
Table 4(b) Persons with a charge proved by main crime/offence, 1997/98-2006/07 (Index)
Table 5 Persons with a charge proved per 1,000 population by sex and age, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 6(a) Males with a charge proved by main crime/offence and age, 2006/07
Table 6(b) Females with a charge proved by main crime/offence and age, 2006/07

Table 7 Persons with a charge proved by main penalty, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 8(a) Persons with a charge proved by main crime/offence and main penalty, 2006/07 (Numbers)
Table 8(b) Persons with a charge proved by main crime/offence and main penalty, 2006/07 (Row and column percentages)
Table 9 Percentage of persons with a charge proved receiving custodial sentences by main crime/offence, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 10 Persons receiving a custodial sentence by main crime/offence and length of sentence, 2006/07
Table 11 Persons with a charge proved by main penalty, sex and age, 2006/07
Table 12 Persons (excluding companies) with a charge proved by main penalty, sex and age, 1997/98-2006/07

Individual offenders
Table 13 Individual offenders with at least one charge proved in 2006/07 for a crime or relevant offence*, by sex, age and number of convictions
Table 14 Individual offenders with a charge proved for a crime or relevant offence* in 2006/07, by sex, age and number and type of previous convictions in 1997/98-2006/07

* common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearm offences or social security offences

Bail orders and offences
Table 15 Bail orders made by main charge, 2002/03-2006/07
Table 16 Bail orders made by main charge, sex and age, 2006/07
Table 17 Bail orders made by type of court, 2002/03-2006/07
Table 18 Offences with a charge proved in 20005/06 and 2006/07 which have a bail aggravator recorded
Table 19 Bail-related offences with a charge proved, 2002/03 to 2006/07

Motor vehicle offences
Table 20 Vehicles, offences and penalties, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 21 Motor vehicle offences recorded by the police by type of offence, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 22 Police conditional offers for moving vehicle offences by type of offence, 1996-2006/07
Table 23 Police conditional offers for moving vehicle offences: percentage of offences detected automatically, 1996-2006/07
Table 24 Motor vehicle offences with a charge proved by type of offence, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 25 Motor vehicle offences proceeded against by type of offence and result of proceedings, 2006/07
Table 26 Amount of fine imposed by type of offence and level of fine(£), 2006/07
Table 27 Disqualification period by type of offence and length of disqualification, 2006/07
Table 28 Police fixed penalty notices issued for stationary vehicle offences by type of offence, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 29 Police fixed penalty notices issued for stationary vehicle offences: subsequent outcome, 1997/98-2006/07
Table 30 Penalty charge notices for parking infringements, 2002-2006/07
Table 31 Penalty charge notices for parking infringements by council area, 2006/07
Table 32 Causing death by dangerous driving or careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs: crimes recorded by the police and persons with a charge proved, 1997/98-2006/07

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