
Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts, 2006/07

Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts 2006-07

5. Commentary: Persons Convicted (Tables 3, 4a and 4b)

5.1 The total number of convictions in 2006/07 was 138,800, an increase of 5 per cent compared with 2005/06. Of these, 85,000 (61 per cent of the total) took place in sheriff summary courts.

5.2 The more serious cases are dealt with in the High Court or by a sheriff sitting with a jury. Just under 5,600 persons were convicted in these courts in 2006/07, 4 per cent of the total. Recording delays mean that the figures for High Court convictions in 2006/07, and to a lesser extent 2005/06, may be underestimates.

5.3 In 2006/07, a total of 48,300 persons were convicted in the district courts or in the stipendiary magistrates court that operates in Glasgow. This represented an increase of 2 per cent compared with the previous year but a decrease of 27 per cent compared with 1997/98.

5.4 Within crime categories, increases between 2005/06 and 2006/07 were recorded for 'other' non-sexual crime of violence - which includes offences related to threats and extortion and child cruelty - (up 15 per cent to 314), fire-raising and vandalism (up 9 per cent to 5,400), crimes against public justice (up 25 per cent to 7,200), drugs offences (up 16 per cent to 8,800), common assault (up 7 per cent to 15,400), breach of the peace (up 7 per cent to 18,100), and speeding offences (up 9 per cent to 13,400). Decreases included the combined category of serious assault and attempted murder (down 8 per cent to 1,400), rape and attempted rape (down 26 per cent to 45), fraud (down 5 per cent to 1,180), drunkenness (down 11 per cent to 261), unlawful use of vehicle (down 9 per cent to 13,400), and 'other' motor vehicle offences (down 7 per cent to 4,600).

5.5 Excluding breach (of social work orders) proceedings, the 138,800 convictions in 2006/07 involved a total of 187,800 individual offences where the charge was proved. On average there were 1.35 charges proved for each conviction.

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