Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Prison Statistics Scotland: 2009-10

Statistical bulletin showing information on the Scottish prison population.

Correspondence and enquiries

Enquiries on this publication should be addressed to:

Elizabeth Fraser

Justice Analytical Services
Justice and Communities Directorate
GWR, St Andrews House
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

Telephone: 0131 244 2147;

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Office of the Chief Statistician

Scottish Government
1N.04, St Andrews House
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

Telephone: 0131 244 0442

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Complaints and suggestions

If you are not satisfied with our service, please write to the Chief Statistician, Mr Rob Wishart, 1N.04, St Andrews House, Edinburgh, EH1 3DG, Telephone: (0131) 244 0302, e-mail We also welcome any comments or suggestions that would help us to improve our standards of service.


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