Statistical bulletin - Crime and Justice series: Prison statistics Scotland 2010-11

This bulletin shows data up to 2010-11 on Scottish prison population level and characteristics, receptions to/liberations from Scottish prisons, and international comparisons.

Fine default receptions to penal establishments by age, sex, length of sentence and amount of fine outstanding: 2001-02 to 2010-11 Table 15

2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
Total 7,966 7,908 7,652 6,807 6,221 5,970 3,614 1,507 1,332 1,250
Under 21 1,194 1,074 876 726 771 698 403 185 180 153
21 - 30 3,974 3,898 3,757 3,184 2,913 2,735 1,704 708 627 586
31 - 40 1,954 2,072 2,181 1,967 1,734 1,680 1,000 406 350 345
41 - 50 637 666 624 719 617 703 424 171 140 127
Over 50 207 198 214 211 186 154 83 37 35 39
Men 7,359 7,234 7,017 6,276 5,741 5,527 3,350 1,409 1,242 1,171
Under 21 1,134 1,024 822 693 744 654 385 176 174 149
21 - 30 3,678 3,539 3,441 2,919 2,680 2,537 1,573 665 582 549
31 - 40 1,761 1,862 1,980 1,800 1,581 1,534 921 376 324 322
41 - 50 592 623 575 663 563 654 395 158 128 114
Over 50 194 186 199 201 173 148 76 34 34 37
Women 607 674 635 531 480 443 264 98 90 79
Under 21 60 50 54 33 27 44 18 9 6 4
21 - 30 296 359 316 265 233 198 131 43 45 37
31 - 40 193 210 201 167 153 146 79 30 26 23
41 - 50 45 43 49 56 54 49 29 13 12 13
Over 50 13 12 15 10 13 6 7 3 1 2
Length of sentence
Less than 7 days 1,371 1,252 1,150 1,087 973 915 517 128 83 83
7 days 3,453 3,338 3,135 2,575 2,332 2,275 1,358 560 541 498
8-13 days 940 923 951 937 855 805 473 155 96 100
14 days 1,598 1,805 1,798 1,559 1,490 1,401 861 405 375 351
15-29 days 486 490 516 542 485 477 337 213 188 172
30-59 days 93 88 90 94 73 90 59 40 37 38
Over 60 days 25 12 12 13 13 7 9 6 12 8
Average sentence imposed (days) 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 13 15 15
Fine outstanding
Less than £50 315 218 192 174 137 128 73 25 11 14
£50 - less than £100 1,256 1,147 1,011 834 689 732 438 126 113 107
£100 - less than £200 2,612 2,578 2,399 2,095 1,892 1,810 1,020 370 307 287
£200 - less than £500 2,999 3,130 3,184 2,816 2,723 2,555 1,592 660 591 540
£500 - less than £1,000 598 654 701 720 655 626 399 260 237 227
£1,000 - less than £2,500 105 109 110 134 114 110 84 62 59 68
£2,500 - less than £5,000 8 12 8 9 8 5 4 4 6 1
£5,000 or more 6 1 5 3 3 3 2 - 8 6
Non-offence 67 59 42 22 - 1 2 - - -
Average fine outstanding (£) 242 249 263 278 277 277 286 339 536 1,182

Notes: Receptions do not equate to persons received since someone receiving a custodial sentence after a period on remand, or several custodial sentences at different times or from different courts, will be counted more than once. Counting conventions and fine default are described in more detail in Section 5. A breakdown by crime type is published on the web in Table 15a.

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