improvement project: discovery user research report
The research aimed to understand the current user needs and expectations of the Scottish Government’s site for open access to Scotland’s official statistics: This programme of user research is one workstream of the discovery project to improve
Appendix C – Interview materials
Interim findings summary (for interviewees, pre-interview)
- Four workshops with SG users, including data publishers (n=18)
- Four focus groups with external users (n=9)
- Navigation issues: The site is difficult to navigate and unintuitive.
- Search functionality: Ineffective search results; need for advanced search options.
- Terminology is confusing: Jargon-heavy, causing user frustration.
- Technical challenges: Slow loading times, frequent errors, and confusion over ‘dimension locking’ feature.
- Too much, too soon: Participants wanted to start out simple and choose to get more detail.
- Help and support: Online help is hard to find and outdated (but offline support is great!).
- Data publishing: Process for uploading and updating data is complex.
- Trust issues: Outdated content and perceived lack of activity undermine trust.
- Not really fulfilling claim to be ‘Open access to Scotland’s official statistics.’
General interview schedule
Intros (no icebreaker!) (5 mins)
Overview of improvement project + purpose of interviews (5 mins)
Overview of findings so far (2 mins)
- Struggles with navigation and search.
- Confusion with terminology and jargon.
- Issues with site performance and functionality.
- Desire for simplicity to start with, more complexity at deeper levels.
- Difficulty in finding help and support online.
- Challenges in uploading and updating datasets.
- Perception of an outdated site, datasets, and info reducing trust.
- Not really fulfilling claim to be ‘Open access to Scotland’s official statistics.’
Reflections on findings:
- From your perspective, how do these findings compare with your experience or expectations?
- Are there any findings that particularly stand out to you?
- Do you think there are any critical areas or issues we might have missed?
- Are there any specific user needs we may have missed?
- OR What additional challenges do you think users might be facing that we've overlooked?
- Do any ideas for improvements spring to mind?
What good looks like:
- In your opinion, what would a good, user-friendly statistics website look like?
- What should be the primary purpose of the site?
- What features or functionalities would be helpful to achieve this?
- OR What features are essential for an ’ideal world’ statistics website?
- In your experience, what kind of support or guidance works well when it comes to stats and data?
PLUS specific questions for interviewees.
- Anything else you think we should be thinking about?
- Anything else you’d like to add?
Thanks so much!
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Thanks for your feedback