
Statistics Group strategic priorities

The strategic priorities for the Scottish Government Statistics Group.

The Statistics Group in Scottish Government is comprised of Government Statistical Service (GSS) statisticians in Scottish Government core directorates, agencies (such as Social Security Scotland) and non-ministerial offices (such as National Records of Scotland).  

The Office of the Chief Statistician is responsible for overseeing the production of official statistics in relation to this group. This includes ensuring that official statistics comply with the Code of Practice for Statistics, so that our statistics support the public good.  The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) describe statistics in this context as “public assets that provide insight, which allows them to be used widely for informing understanding and shaping action”. This means that they should support policy and inform the public. 

This document outlines our current strategic priorities for official statistics in Scotland.  In particular, these priorities are focused on promoting statistical improvement and good practice in the production of statistics that can be adopted by producers across the statistics group. 


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