
Statistics Group strategic priorities

The strategic priorities for the Scottish Government Statistics Group.

This document details our strategic priorities for the stats group. This is to provide direction to stats teams for the change we need. There are four strategic priorities, and they are as follows: 

Infographic of the four strategic priority groups. These are users, efficient, data and people.

We deliberately designed the priorities so they are at a high level. Beneath each priority are steers of suggested areas of focus that stats teams can take forward.  

It is up to statistics producers to shape which aspects of the priorities are particularly relevant to them in transforming and maximising their work, and to embed into broader business planning. The priorities are not exhaustive. There may be other ideas statisticians have for improvement not included in this document, and we encourage teams to take them forward. The important thing is that all innovation and improvement work should be contextualised within each team’s work plans and individuals’ objectives and empower teams to take these activities forward.  

This requires a reshifting of how we think about what we do we do. It is about focusing on what is higher value. It also requires us to focus on how we spend our time and resource to get them off the ground. But the longer-term benefits will likely result in time saving.  


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