
Statistics Group strategic priorities

The strategic priorities for the Scottish Government Statistics Group.

Since launching these priorities internally we’ve had excellent feedback from statisticians in Scottish Government and have heard how they have put them into practice to make things better. We aim to share good examples in due course. 

To support the priorities, the Office of the Chief Statistician did the following: 

  • Reprioritised the work of part of the OCS to focus on promoting, communicating and supporting statistical transformation. This includes an ongoing programme of activity on each of the steers of the priorities. 

  • Set up a series of statistical community groups to collectively tackle some of the priority issues that face the statistics group, such as improving publications, communication and engagement with statistics, best use of analytical tools, quality of statistics, learning and development, building the statistics community and improving wellbeing. The community groups are peer groups led by statisticians across the statistics group. 

  • Established a statistical leadership programme, Fit for the Future, which helps to foster a culture of empowerment and leadership at all levels, with a focus on innovation and improvement.   


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