
Statistics Publication Notice: Early Destinations of Students Qualifying from Scottish Higher Education Institutions 2010-11

Statistics on the first destinations of students qualifying from Scottish Higher Education Institutions - academic year 2010-11.

List of Tables

Table 1: First destination of students qualifying from Scottish HEIs by gender and level of qualification obtained: 2010-11

Table 2: First destination of students qualifying from Scottish HEIs by level of qualification obtained and academic year: 2003-04 to 2010-11

Table 3: First destination of students qualifying from Scottish HEIs by subject area: 2010-11

Table 4: First destination of Scottish domiciled students qualifying from full-time or part-time courses at Scottish HEIs by gender and level of qualification obtained: 2010-11

Table 5: First destination of Scottish domiciled students qualifying from Scottish HEIs by ethnicity: 2010-11

Table 6: Students qualifying from Scottish HEIs gaining permanent UK employment by occupation, level of qualification obtained and academic year: 2003-04 to 2010-11

Table 7: Students qualifying from Scottish HEIs gaining permanent UK employment by industry of employer and subject of qualification: 2010-11

Table 8a): Students qualifying from Scottish HEIs gaining permanent UK or overseas employment by pre-study domicile, location of employment and academic year: 2003-04 to 2010-11

Table 8b): Scottish domiciled students qualifying from Rest of UK HEIs gaining permanent UK or overseas employment by location and academic year: 2003-04 to 2010-11

Table 9: Students qualifying from Scottish HEIs gaining permanent UK or overseas employment by subject studied and location of employment: 2010-11

Table 10: Response rate to Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey for students qualifying from Scottish HEIs: 2003-4 to 2010-11


Email: Lifelong Learning Statistics

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