
Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013: statutory guidance

Update of statutory guidance originally published in 2014 which retains some of what was in the original guidance but has some important differences.

Annex 2: Definition of key words and phrases


Organisations who have duties and powers described in this Guidance. It includes local authorities (or local councils) and Health and Social Care Partnerships, NHS Boards or Integration Joint Boards.[150]


Section 1 of the 2016 Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 defines a carer as an adult or child who provides or intends to provide care for another individual (but not if that is care for a child just because of their age or if that care is part of a contract or volunteering).


Those responsible for making decisions about how authorities carry out their statutory duties.[151]


A guardianship order allows someone – the Guardian – to make ongoing decisions on behalf of an adult with incapacity.[152]

Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)

There are 31 health and social care partnerships in Scotland. They work towards a set of national health and wellbeing outcomes and are responsible for adult social care, adult primary health care and unscheduled adult hospital care. Some are also responsible for children's services, homelessness and criminal justice social work.

Integration Joint Board (IJB)

Legislation in Scotland requires local authorities and NHS Boards to jointly plan and lead health and social care services. Two ways of doing this were provided – the 'body corporate' model (IJB) and the 'lead agency' model. 30 areas have adopted the IJB model (Clackmannanshire and Stirling formed a joint IJB, and Highland adopted the 'lead agency' model).

Independent Living

Independent Living means people of all ages having freedom, choice, dignity, and control, and fulfilling your rights to participate in society and live a full life. It does not mean living by yourself or fending for yourself.

Independent Support Organisation

An organisation that provides independent, impartial information and support for people, for example on social care choices, for example a centre for independent living.


Organisations that employ and manage staff in the provision of advice, care and support. These organisations can be from the statutory, third or independent sector.

Personal Assistant

In the context of SDS legislation, Personal Assistants are care workers who are directly paid for by the supported person under Option 1. Workers employed by the local authority, by a provider or is self-employed but sourced through an agency, are care workers.

Social Care

Social care includes all forms of personal and practical support for people who need extra support. It describes services and other types of help, including residential care homes, care at home, and community alarms/telecare systems, and support for carers in their caring role/s.

Social Worker

Social workers are found within a wide variety of employment settings in Scotland, and are obliged to perform some functions and permitted to perform others by laws passed by Parliament (either UK or the Scottish Parliament). Specialisations often determine where and how they work.[153]

Supported person

'Supported people' refers to people who are receiving social care services or support as well as unpaid carers who are to receive carer support to meet their own needs. Supported persons is a term often taken to mean adults, but should always be understood as also including children and young people.

Support planning

A collaborative process involving supported people and authorities to agree outcomes or goals, and how these will be achieved. A support plan says how people will spend their budget to get the life they want, which is agreed between the individuals involved and the local authority.



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