
UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 - part 2: statutory guidance

Draft guidance providing accessible information which supports public authorities to understand and fulfil their duties under section 6 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Act, and to secure better or further effect of children’s rights.

Annex E. List of links

1. Preface

3.1 Children’s rights are human rights

3.2 Incorporation history in Scotland

3.3 Meaning of the ‘UNCRC requirements’

3.4 International human rights context

4.1 Introduction to Part 2 and overview of guidance

4.2 Remedies for unlawful acts (sections 7 to 10A)

4.3.1 Definition of functions of a public nature

4.4. Explanation of the duties on public authorities in Part 2, section 6

A.1. Four general principles of the Convention

A.2 Respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s rights

A.3. Progressive realisation

A.4 Maximum available resources

A.5 Evolving capacity

The Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland - What are evolving capacities?

B.1 Committee on the Rights of the Child

B.2 General Comments

B.3 Days of General Discussion

C. Framework for reviewing compatibility with UNCRC requirements (section 6 duty)

C.1.3. Views of children and their parents, carers and families on the measure or function

C.2.3. Assessing impact on children and their rights

C.2.4. Assurance & accountability: reasonableness, proportionality, and seeking legal advice

C.3.1. Mitigation & action plans: what to do if review identifies concerns



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