
Statutory Guidance on Part 3 (Children's Services Planning) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

Guidance for local authorities and health boards on exercising the functions conferred by Part 3 (Children's Services Planning) of the Act.

Section 12: Implementation Of Children's Services Plan

125. Under section 12(1), during the period to which the Children's Services Plan relates, the local authority, relevant health board, "other service providers" and Scottish Ministers (in exercising functions under the Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989) must, so far as reasonably practicable, provide children's and related services in accordance with the plan. This means that the public bodies providing services covered by a Children's Services Plan are under a duty to provide those services, within the parameters afforded by their capacity and function, in the way(s) described in the plan.

126. The duty to implement services in accordance with a Children's Services Plan does not apply where:

(a) the person providing the service considers that to comply with the plan would adversely affect the wellbeing of a child; or

(b) a notice of disagreement (made under section 10(8)) has been published about a matter.

127. For further guidance on the "notice of disagreement", please refer to the relevant section above.


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