UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 - part 3: statutory guidance

Draft guidance for those with responsibilities within listed public authorities for implementing and delivering on the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Act. It includes annexes with suggested reporting formats, information on inclusive communication and on producing child friendly reports.

Annex D – List of links

3.2 Child rights and wellbeing impact assessments

4. Reporting duties of listed authorities

4.2 Developing baseline information

4.3 Consultation and engagement

4.4 Preparation for reporting

4.5 Requirement to produce a child friendly report

4.6 Potential links to other reports or plans

5. Publication requirements of reports

A.1 Background to and incorporation history of the Act

A.2 Overview and key aspects of the UNCRC Act

B. Frameworks for children's rights reporting

B.1 UNCRC Clusters approach

B.2 Wellbeing approach: using the GIRFEC wellbeing indicators

B.3 Further approaches and considerations

B.4 External resources on accessibility


Email: uncrcincorporation@gov.scot

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