UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 - part 3: statutory guidance - draft
This draft guidance was superseded by final guidance published in September 2024.
Annex D – List of links
3.2 Child rights and wellbeing impact assessments
4. Reporting duties of listed authorities
4.2 Developing baseline information
4.3 Consultation and engagement
- Non-statutory guidance on taking a children's human rights approach
- Decision-making: children and young people's participation - guidance
4.4 Preparation for reporting
- UNCRC Assessment Framework
- Non-statutory guidance on taking a children's human rights approach
- Children Services Planning Guidance
4.5 Requirement to produce a child friendly report
4.6 Potential links to other reports or plans
5. Publication requirements of reports
A.1 Background to and incorporation history of the Act
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Nine core international human rights instruments
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
- Charter of the United Nations
- National Performance Framework
- Human Rights Act 1998
- European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)
- Recommendations of the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership
- Public Consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland
A.2 Overview and key aspects of the UNCRC Act
- Schedule of the UNCRC Act
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024
B. Frameworks for children's rights reporting
B.1 UNCRC Clusters approach
B.2 Wellbeing approach: using the GIRFEC wellbeing indicators
- Children's Rights Legislation in Scotland: A Quick Reference Guide
- GIRFEC resources home page.
- SHANARRI wellbeing indicators
- Online training developed by Children's Health Scotland
- UNCRC: the foundation of Getting it right for every child
B.3 Further approaches and considerations
B.4 External resources on accessibility
- Communicating with people with a learning disability - guidance - Mencap
- Developing inclusive communication guidance- Sensory Trust
- Accessible information and communication discrimination guide - Disability Justice
- A Practical Guide to Including Seldom-Heard Children and Young People in Decision-Making and practitioners toolkit
- Apps to support those with complex additional support needs
- Scotland's Inclusive Communication Hub
- Disability Equality Scotland: Easy Read Information and Guidance
- Enquire – the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning
- Principles of Inclusive Communication: An information and self-assessment tool for public authorities - Scottish Government
- Voice from Birth to Seven Years
- Meaningful Participation of Children and Young People - Principles and Guidelines - Children in Scotland
- Disability Information Scotland website
- Guidance on publishing accessible documents - UK Government
Email: uncrcincorporation@gov.scot
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