UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 - part 3: statutory guidance - draft

This draft guidance was superseded by final guidance published in September 2024.

2. Aim and scope of this guidance

This guidance is issued by Scottish Ministers on a statutory basis to promote understanding, implementation and operation of Part 3 of the Act. The guidance will be of assistance to anyone who wishes to use it for this purpose, and especially to authorities listed under section 19 of the Act.

How is the guidance to be used?

This guidance is issued in order to support listed authorities in the implementation and operation of their duties under Part 3. It is intended to promote understanding of Part 3 of the Act and promote child rights respecting practice. It includes information to support listed authorities in the implementation and operation of their duties. Listed authorities retain discretion on the implementation and operation of their duties under Part 3 and may wish to consider this guidance in that regard.

How was the guidance developed?

This guidance was developed in consultation with representative public authorities, including those delivering public services, third sector organisations and children's rights bodies. In addition, feedback from a 12 week public consultation including children and young people, the Scottish Human Rights Commission and the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland will inform the final version.


Email: uncrcincorporation@gov.scot

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