Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000: statutory guidance

Statutory guidance covering provisions under the Education (Scotland) Act 2016 which amend the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000.

Annex C – Statutory guidance criteria

This criteria supplements the statutory guidance and provides some questions that local authorities and schools may wish to consider when preparing plans and reports to address the National Improvement Framework key priorities. These questions do not form part of the statutory guidance and it is entirely a decision for local authorities as to whether they choose to use them or not.

Does the Standards and Quality Report..

1. Highlight the steps taken in pursuance of the NIF and set out any educational benefits for pupils that the authority considers results from taking those steps?

2. Establish not only whether improvement has been secured and inequalities of outcome reduced, but also how/to what extent that has been achieved?

3. Take into account all the range of evidence available and adopt an approach to improvement which recognises the central importance of data gathering and analysis, and broader evaluation activity?

Does the Education Improvement Plan..

1. Set out a clear vision/statement of the local authorities ambitions in relation to the 5 key priorities of the National Improvement Framework?

2. Set out the main challenges in its own local context and the actions/steps being taken to improve outcomes for children and young people?

3. Clearly identify how any actions being taken will support improvement and deliver the intended outcomes and include measures of success?

4. Highlight the steps planned to reduce inequalities of outcome for pupils experiencing them as a result of socio-economic disadvantage?

5. Include local stretch aims and trajectories for annual progress towards meeting them to make progress in raising attainment and closing the poverty-related attainment gap?

6. Evidence that it has taken into account the views of Headteachers, school staff, children, young people, families and the wider community?

7. Include reference or links to other relevant strategic and policy drivers, as appropriate?

8. Fully take into account the impact of Covid-19 and how the authority continues to focus on recovery, renewal and supporting those most affected by the pandemic? (e.g. children living in poverty or children affected by poor mental health)



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