Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 statutory guidance

Statutory guidance covering provisions under the Education (Scotland) Act 2016 which amend the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000.

Annex B: Planning And Reporting Tabular Timeline

Remainder 2016 January to June 2017 July to December 2017 January to June 2018 July to December 2018 January to June 2019 July to December 2019 January to June 2020
Scottish Government

August - commence 2016 Act duties on Scottish Ministers

December - (following consultation) publish 2017 SG improvement plan and first statutory National Improvement Framework

December - publish 2016 NIF report on progress made

Implements the priorities set out in SG 2017 NIF and improvement plan

March - publish statutory guidance on 2000 Act new duties

Continued SG implementation of the priorities set out in its 2017 NIF and improvement plan

Review of 2017 NIF, in consultation with stakeholders

December - publish 2018 SG improvement plan (and potentially a revised NIF) informed by education authority plans for 2017-18 school year and national data.

Implements the priorities set out in SG 2018 improvement plan

January - publish 2017 NIF report on progress made (including new statutory reporting requirements under 2016 Act).

The 2017 NIF report will report on progress against priorities during the 2016-17 school year and will not report against the priorities set out in the 2017 improvement plan as they would not have been implemented within schools for a full school year by that time.

Continued SG implementation of the priorities set out in its 2018 improvement plan

Review of 2018 NIF, in consultation with stakeholders

December - publish 2019 SG improvement plan (and potentially a revised NIF) informed by education authority plans for 2018-19 school year and national data.

Implements the priorities set out in SG 2019 improvement plan

January - publish 2018 NIF report on progress made.

The 2018 NIF report will report on progress against priorities during the 2017-18 school year and will not report against the priorities set out in the 2018 improvement plan as they will not have been implemented within schools for a full school year by that time.

Continued SG implementation of the priorities set out in its 2019 improvement plan.

Review of 2019 NIF, in consultation with stakeholders

December - publish 2020 SG improvement plan (and potentially a revised NIF) informed by education authority plans for 2019-20 school year and national data.

Implements the priorities set out in SG 2020 improvement plan

January - publish 2019 NIF report on progress made.

The 2019 NIF report will report on progress against priorities during the 2018-19 school year and will not report against the priorities set out in the 2019 improvement plan as they will not have been implemented within schools for a full school year by that time.

Local authorities

Implementation of local plan's and priorities for the 2016-17 school year based on "school development" and other planning at school and local authority level and 2016 NIF priorities.

Continued education authority implementation of local plan's and priorities for 2016-17 as per existing processes.

From March plan for new duties under 2000 Act.

April to July - education authority planning process for school year 2017-18 takes place.

This planning process will draw on the Feb-June 2017 school planning process and will include progress against priorities identified in the education authority plan for the 2016-17 school year. It will also take account of the statutory guidance and the 2017 SG improvement plan and NIF.

August - new education authority duties under the 2000 Act, as amended by the 2016 Act, commence.

August - publish local plan and priorities for school year 2017-18. This will be the first statutory plan under the new legislation

Implementation of the priorities set out in its first statutory plan covering the period between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018.

Continued education authority implementation of the plan and priorities within schools for the school year 2017-18.

April to July - education authority planning process for school year 2018-19 is undertaken.

This planning process will draw on the Feb-June 2018 school planning process and will include progress against priorities identified in the education authority plan for the 2017-18 school year. It will also take account of the statutory guidance and the 2018 SG improvement plan and NIF.

August - publish second statutory plan and priorities under the new legislation for school year 2018-19. This plan will be informed by the Feb-June 2018 school improvement planning process. It will also take into account priorities from the SG 2018 improvement plan and 2017 NIF report.

Education authority implements the priorities set out in its second statutory plan covering 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019.

September to December - analyse outcome of implementing its first statutory plan and publishes report as soon as reasonably practicable after 31st August. This report will detail progress against the priorities set out in the plan covering school year 2017-18. (This is an indicative timescale to reflect existing education authority reporting and internal clearance processes).

Continued education authority implementation of the plan and priorities within schools for the school year 2018-19.

April to July - education authority planning process for school year 2019-20 is undertaken.

This planning process will draw on the Feb-June 2019 school planning process and will include progress against priorities identified in the education authority plan for the 2018-19 school year. It will also take account of the statutory guidance and the 2019 SG improvement plan and NIF.

To end Feb - education authority may still be in process of analysing outcome of implementing its first statutory plan and publishing report as soon as reasonably practicable after 31st August

August - publish third statutory plan and priorities under the new legislation for school year 2019-20. This plan will be informed by the Feb-June 2019 school improvement planning process. It will also take into account priorities from the SG 2019 improvement plan and 2018 NIF report.

Education authority implements the priorities set out in its third statutory plan covering 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020.

September to December - analyse outcome of implementing its second statutory plan and publishes report as soon as reasonably practicable after 31st August. This report will detail progress against the priorities set out in the plan covering school year 2018-19. (This is an indicative timescale to reflect existing education authority reporting and internal clearance processes).

Continued education authority implementation of the plan and priorities within schools for the school year 2019-20.

April to July - education authority planning process for school year 2020-21 is undertaken.

This planning process will draw on the Feb-June 2020 school planning process and will include progress against priorities identified in the education authority plan for the 2019-20 school year. It will also take account of the statutory guidance and the 2020 SG improvement plan and NIF.

To end Feb - education authority may still be in process of analysing outcome of implementing its second statutory plan and publishing report as soon as reasonably practicable after 31st August


Implement the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2016-17.

Continued implementation of the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2016-17.

February to June - Development of school plans under section 6(4) of the 2000 Act, taking account of the 2017 NIF priorities

Implement the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2017-18.

Continued implementation of the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2017-18.

February to June - school improvement plans to be prepared and published under amended section 6 of the 2000 Act.
The key change from school development plans is that these improvement plans must now take account of the education authority's annual plan (or revised annual plan) under new section 3F of the 2000 Act, its annual report under new section 3H of the 2000 Act and its strategy for parental involvement under section 6 of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.

Implement the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2018-19.

Continued implementation of the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2018-19.

February to June - development and publication of school improvement plans.

Implement the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2019-20.

Continued implementation of the priorities of the education authority's plan for the school year 2019-20.

February to June - development and publication of school improvement plans.



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