
Buchanan Primary School closure decision: letter to Stirling Council

Decision letter to Stirling Council on 20 April 2022 regarding the closure of Buchanan Primary School.

Bryony Monaghan
Schools, Learning and Education
Dumbarton Road
FK8 2LQ 

20 April 2022

Dear Bryony Monaghan,


I refer to your email of 25 February 2022 notifying Scottish Ministers of Stirling Council’s decision of 24 February 2022 to implement the proposal to close Buchanan Primary School. Ministers have considered this proposal in line with the requirements set out in the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (“the 2010 Act”).

Under section 17 of the 2010 Act, Ministers may only issue a call-in notice if it appears to them that the education authority may have failed:

(a) in a significant regard to comply with the requirements imposed on it by (or under) the Act so far as they are relevant in relation to the closure proposal, or

(b) to take proper account of a material consideration relevant to its decision to implement the proposal.

Section 15(2) of the 2010 Act requires an education authority to provide a copy of the proposal paper and the consultation report prepared under the Act to Ministers when notifying them of a closure proposal.

Section 15(4) of the 2010 Act requires Ministers to take into account any relevant representations made to them by any person during the 3 week period from the date that a closure decision is made. In relation to this closure proposal, the 3 week period began on 24 February 2022 and expired on 16 March 2022. No representations were received.

Having reviewed the documents provided by Stirling Council under section 15(2) and considered all relevant representations made under section 15(4), Ministers consider that Stirling Council has fulfilled its obligations under the 2010 Act and do not intend to issue a call-in notice for this proposal.

Stirling Council may now implement its decision to close Buchanan Primary School in line with the timescales set out in its proposal paper.

As noted in Education Scotland’s report, on the closure of Buchanan Primary School Stirling Council should work with the community to explore how to make best use of the former Buchanan Primary School building.

Yours sincerely,

Jennifer Staermose-Johnson

School Funding, Infrastructure and Organisation Unit

Learning Directorate

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