
Decarbonisation of residual waste infrastructure: report

Second report and supporting documents from the Independent Review of the Role of Incineration in the Waste Hierarchy in Scotland (Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury?), on decarbonisation of residual waste infrastructure in Scotland.

Foreword From Dr Colin Church, Independent Chair Of The Review

I was very conscious when I submitted the First Report of the Review that we had not had time to do justice to the topic of decarbonising residual waste management infrastructure in Scotland. I was therefore very happy to be asked to stay on to cover that topic in more depth and produce this Second Report.

Incineration remains a more climate-friendly method of managing residual waste than landfill, and more practical than any other currently available approach. However, without further action, this advantage will erode over a relatively short time. And even if those changes are made, eventually incineration should cease to be a significant management option for residual waste as Scotland makes its economy more circular.

This Second Report therefore looks at how best to reduce the carbon impact of incineration and, to a lesser extent, of landfill. It sets out a series of recommendations, of which the most urgent and potentially most impactful is the cessation this decade of incineration of plastic.

As before, I thank the individuals and organisations who provided input to the Review via written submissions and through online and in person meetings. This material was important in developing this Second Report as it was for the First.

Finally, my gratitude to the team who supported me so ably in this task and without whom this report would not exist.


Independent Chair of the Review



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