
Decarbonisation of residual waste infrastructure: report

Second report and supporting documents from the Independent Review of the Role of Incineration in the Waste Hierarchy in Scotland (Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury?), on decarbonisation of residual waste infrastructure in Scotland.

8 Annex B – Recovery Status (R1 value) and CHP

Incineration facilities are classified as disposal operations (D10) facilities, unless they can demonstrate a sufficient energy recovery score[72]. Incinerators can be re-classified as a recovery operation (R1) if they can demonstrate a suitable R1 value. To do this, plants must calculate the energy efficiency factor of the incinerator value using the method in the European Commission’s Guidance to obtain the R1 value.

The Revised Waste Framework Directive specifies that Energy from Waste plants dedicated to the processing of municipal solid waste can be classified as a Recovery operation only where their calculated energy efficiency score is:

  • 0.60 for EfW permitted and in operation before 1 January 2009
  • 0.65 for EfW permitted and in operation after 31 December 2008

The energy efficiency is calculated as

(Ep - (Ef + Ei))/(0.97 × (Ew + Ef))

in which:

  • Ep = annual energy produced as heat or electricity. It is calculated with energy in the form of electricity being multiplied by 2,6 and heat produced for commercial use multiplied by 1,1 (GJ/year)
  • Ef = annual energy input to the system from fuels contributing to the production of steam (GJ/year)
  • Ew = annual energy contained in the treated waste calculated using the net calorific value of the waste (GJ/year)
  • Ei = annual energy imported excluding Ew and Ef (GJ/year)
  • 0.97 is a factor accounting for energy losses due to bottom ash and radiation.

Plants must collect operational data each year to confirm whether the plant is still achieving R1 status.

If the data shows that they’re not achieving R1 status at the end of the year plants can ask for more time to take action to fix the problem. An extension will be based on the:

  • previous 3 years’ performance levels
  • length of time it will take to fix the problem
  • probability of achieving the minimum threshold

R1 status is withdrawn if the incinerator cannot meet the minimum requirements in the following year. They would then revert to being a disposal operation.

R1 status is needed for plants to import and use waste from other Member States, however, UK plants do not currently import waste[73].

Table 4: Current estimated efficiency values, CHPQA and R1 values for Energy from Waste plants in Scotland
Site Date commissioned Estimated Indicative Efficiency Estimated QI value R1 status* Comments
MVV MEB Lines 1 & 2 – Pre 2014
Line 3 - 2021
13% 46 None Based on Electric for lines 1 & 2 only - commissioned in advance of SEPA TTWG. No data for Line 3
Viridor Dunbar 2019 21.1% 73.88 0.72 Electric only
Gremista Lerwick 1998 64.9% 90.85 None Heat only - commissioned in advance of SEPA TTWG
FCC Millerhill 2019 24.5% 85 Expected in Early 2023 Electric only – proposed heat network not currently commissioned
R1 applied for in 2022, plant designed to meet R1 requirements
Viridor Polmadie (GRREC) 2019 20.6% 65.2 None Electric only
Levenseat 2020 23.20% 86 R1 Status applied for Electric only
Ness In construction 34% None Based on 2025 estimate of electric and at least 3MWth of heat network, proposed heat network has the potential for up to 10 MWth offtake.
Plant designed to meet R1 status and anticipated that value would be 0.788 on electricity only, expected to rise with heat network offtake use
Westfield In construction 27.80% 63.9 None Electric only
Plan to apply for R1 status in 2023
Earls Gate In construction 48.70% 103.95 None Based on electric and expected average heat uptake to existing heat network
Plan to apply for R1 status in 2023
Fortum, South Clyde In construction 33.30% 97.12 None Electric only
Entered into discussions regarding R1 status and expect approval to be granted
FCC Drumgray, Airdrie In construction 39.1% 68.3 0.77 Based on electric and expected average heat network load, with no heat network efficiency is 25%.
R1 value based on electricity only, rises to 0.83 if 8.93 MWth heat export is utilised.
Barr Killoch, Ayrshire Proposed 44.50% 60.8 None Based on electric only, with proposed heat network efficiency rises to 44.5% and CHPQA to 77.3.
R1 status has not been stated by the operator.
Oldhall, Ayrshire Proposed - - None Not calculated yet
Will progress R1 status as project develops
Thainstone, Inverurie Proposed - 70.02 None CHPQI expected value when operational
R1 status not yet applied for, but expect to qualify with significant margin when application made



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