
Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury - incineration in the waste hierarchy: independent review

Report and supporting documents relating to the Independent Review of the Role of Incineration in the Waste Hierarchy in Scotland.

Annex A – Definitions

ATT Advanced Thermal Treatment
Anaerobic decomposition Rotting in the absence of oxygen
BAU Scenario Business as Usual – Scenario within Review's Capacity Analysis which projects historical trends forward into the future to examine what the future could look like if there are no significant changes to current trends.
BE Scenario Best Effort – Scenario within Review's Capacity Analysis which examines what Scotland's future could look like if it improved its recycling rates in line with what has been achieved by some of the best performing European nations
Biodegradable waste Any waste capable of undergoing decomposition such as food, garden waste, paper and cardboard
Biodegradable Municipal Waste Municipal waste that is also biodegradable.
C&I Commercial & Industrial waste – waste from commercial and industrial sources. Includes waste from business and industrial premises in Scotland, but excludes waste from the construction and demolition industry
C&D Construction & Demolition waste - waste from the construction and demolition industry.
CIWM Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
CV Calorific Value
CXC ClimateXChange
DRS Deposit Return Scheme
FOES Friends of the Earth Scotland
HH Households
IOM3 Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
Landfilling The deposition of waste onto or into land.
Municipal waste Waste from households as well as other waste which because of its nature or composition is similar to waste from households.
MBT Mechanical biological treatment. A group of solid waste management systems, typically used for the pre-treatment of waste, that combines a sorting facility with a form of biological treatment such as composting or anaerobic digestion. Unless specified, MBT is used in this Call to specifically mean processes that produce a high calorific fuel called Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) or Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF), which can be used in cement kilns or power plants.
MT Scenario Meeting Targets – Scenario within Review's Capacity Analysis which amends historical trends in order to meet Scotland's waste reduction and recycling targets for 2025.
Residual waste The material left that cannot be reused or recycled and thus must be disposed of safely.
RDF Refuse derived fuel
SEPA Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SESA Scottish Environmental Services Association
SLCF Scottish Landfill Communities Fund
SRF Solid recovered fuel
The Ban The biodegradable municipal waste to landfill ban in Scotland, due to be implemented at the end of 2025.
The Call The Call for Evidence for this Review.
The Extended Ban The extension of the biodegradable municipal waste to landfill ban to include biodegradable non-municipal wastes, as per Scottish Government Commitment in updated Climate Change Plan.
The Review Unless otherwise specified, the review of the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy in Scotland.
The Route Map The planned route map to deliver Scotland's resource and waste management targets
UKWIN United Kingdom Without Incineration Network



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