
Strategic Board gifts and hospitality: January to June 2016

Information about gifts and hospitality received by members of the Strategic Board.

Person Name Grade Name Directorate General Date received (DD-MON-YYYY) Name of organisation of donor What is the estimated value? Description Circumstances in which the gift/hospitality was offered
Davidson, Ms Sarah SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL COMMUNITIES 06-Mar-2016 Strathclyde University Over £30 Visit to New York as the guest of Strathclyde University to participate in an academic collaboration Asked to provide practitioner support to an academic collaboration between Strathclyde and NY University
Davidson, Ms Sarah SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL COMMUNITIES 14-Mar-2016 David Hume Institute £15 - £30 Working dinner following an event at which I was speaking on behalf of the Scottish Government All speakers at the seminar on affordable credit were invited to a working dinner where the discussion was continued
Davidson, Ms Sarah SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL COMMUNITIES 28-Jun-2016 Business in the Community Scotland Over £30 Annual Awards Dinner and discussion with business leaders Invitation in capacity as a new member of the Advisory Board on behalf of the SG
Davidson, Ms Sarah SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL COMMUNITIES 16-Jun-2016 Strathclyde University International Public Policy Institute £15 - £30 Working lunch Meeting to follow up on academic collaboration in New York earlier in 2016
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 02-Mar-2016 Whitehall and Industry Group £15 - £30 Breakfast Briefing with WIG Asked to speak to WIG members over breakfast when next in London.
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 19-Apr-2016 The Royal Bank of Scotland £15 - £30 Attended RBS Dinner Asked to attend the annual dinner to discuss challenges and opportunities facing businesses and communites today
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 10-May-2016 Cabinet Office £15 - £30 Attend the SLS Cohort Dinner Invited to speak to a Senior Leadership Scheme Cohort over dinner to help them develop into future Government leaders.
Evans, Ms Leslie SCS - Permanent Secretary PERMANENT SECRETARY 30-May-2016 Orkney Islands Council £15 - £30 Dinner with Orkney Islands Council Chief Exec and Senior Management Team Dinner with Orkney Islands Council to discuss local issues while visiting Orkney. A regular meeting was not possible due to diary commitments.
Gillespie, Doctor Gary SCS - Director DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY NULL Robbie McGregor £15 - £30 Saltire Fellows' Reception. Opportunity to engage with Saltire Fellows and meet key individuals. Reception
Gillespie, Doctor Gary SCS - Director DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY NULL Emilios Avgouleas £15 - £30 Attended lecture and dinner relating to financial crisis and banking. Opportunity to engage with key stakeholders. Lecture and dinner
Gillespie, Doctor Gary SCS - Director DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY 14-May-2016 St Gallon's Symposium Over £30 St Gallons Symposium - Invitation to present Scotland's Economic Strategy at St Gallon's Symposium. Hospitality comprised of accommodation and conference dinner.
Gillespie, Doctor Gary SCS - Director DIRECTOR-GENERAL ECONOMY NULL Scottish Retail Consortium £15 - £30 SRC Summer Parliamentary Reception & BBQ - Opportunity to engage with key stakeholders. SRC Summer Parliamentary Reception & BBQ
Gray, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 25-Feb-2016 CIPFA Over £30 CIPFA Annual Dinner as guest of John Matheson John Matheson was Director of Health Finance, and CIPFA President
Gray, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE 19-May-2016 Scottish Association of Medical Directors £15 - £30 Scottish Association of Medical Directors Annual Dinner The CEO NHS Scotland routinely attends this dinner in order to contribute to discussions about healthcare in NHS Scotland with medical professionals.
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 17-May-2016 City of Glasgow College Over £30 Dinner Invited as Government stakeholder
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 07-Jun-2016 Youth Link Scotland Over £30 Dinner with stakeholders and return taxi Invited as after-dinner speaker
Johnston, Mr Paul SCS - Director General DIRECTOR-GENERAL LEARNING AND JUSTICE 20-Jun-2016 Columba 1400 Over £30 Lunch with stakeholder Invited as key stakeholder



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