Strategic Board for Teacher Education: Meeting 28 Thursday 21 March 2024 2.00pm – 3.30pm

Strategic Board for Teacher Education papers from Thursday 21 March 2024


Welcome and Introductions

1. Minutes of 1 February meeting (SBTE/28/02)

2. SBTE Workplan – Workstream 1 – Workforce Planning and increasing diversity of the profession - Progress Report (SBTE/28/03) & March version of Workplan (SBTE/28/04)

3. SBTE Workplan – Workstream 2 – Improving the Promotion of Teaching as a Valued Career - Progress Report (SBTE/28/05)

4. SBTE Workplan – Workstream 3 – Continuum of teacher education -Progress Report (Verbal update)

5. AOB

6. Date of future meetings

For information

1. Curriculum Assessment Board (SBTE/28/06)


March 2024



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