
Palliative and End-of-Life Care by Integration Authorities: advice note

An advice note to support the strategic commissioning of Palliative and End of Life Care by Integration Authorities.

Introduction and Purpose of this Advice Note

In December 2015, the Scottish Government published the Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care ( SFA), which set out the aim that by 2021 everyone in Scotland who needs palliative care will have access to it. The Strategic Framework for Action includes outcomes and ten commitments to support improvements in the delivery of palliative and end of life care across Scotland. The second of these reads’ ‘We will provide guidance to support Health and Social Care Partnerships with the development of the content of their Strategic Commissioning plans in relation to palliative and end of life care services’. This advice note meets this commitment.

All Integration Authorities [1] (hereafter referred to as Partnerships) completed their Strategic Commissioning Plans by 1 st April 2016. These had variable focus on palliative and end of life care, which are delegated functions to each Partnership. This advice note should inform future iterations of strategic commissioning plans, and any specific plans developed by Partnerships in respect of palliative and end of life care.

This advice note has been prepared to support the existing statutory guidance on strategic commissioning plans [2] and the localities guidance [3] , and is focused on palliative and end of life care ( PEOLC).


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