
Strategic commissioning plans: guidance

Guidance for everyone involved in the commissioning of health and social care services.

Annex B: Draft indicators for Integration of Health and Social Care

This annex sets out the core suite of indicators currently being developed to support integration. These indicators have been developed where possible from national data sources so that the collection is consistent across areas. Further work will be taken forward with stakeholders before the final set of indicators is confirmed.

(a) Outcome indicators based on survey feedback:

1. Percentage of adults able to look after their health very well or quite well

2. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they are supported to live as independently as possible.

3. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they had a say in how their help, care or support was provided.

4. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that their health and care services seemed to be well co-ordinated

5. Percentage of adults receiving any care or support who rate it as excellent or good

6. Percentage of people with positive experience of their GP practice

7. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact in improving or maintaining their quality of life

8. Percentage of carers who feel supported to continue in their caring role

9. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree they felt safe

10. Percentage of staff who say they would recommend their workplace as a good place to work

(b) Outcome indicators based on administrative data:

11. Premature mortality

12. Rate of emergency admissions for adults (including proposal to also look at rate of emergency bed days for adults)

13. Readmissions to hospital within 28 days

14. Proportion of last 6 months of life spent at home or in community setting

15. Falls rate per 1,000 population in over 65s

16. Proportion of care and care at home services rated 3 or above in Care Inspectorate Inspections

17. Delayed discharge - 14 days, 72 hours, bed days lost

18. Percentage of adults with intensive needs receiving care at home



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