
Agricultural tenancies, small landholdings and land use tenancy proposals: strategic environmental assessment - consultation

This consultation provides you with the opportunity to examine the environmental impact of our proposed changes to agricultural tenancies, small landholdings, and the new land use tenancy.


The Scottish Government’s Vision for Agriculture, published in March 2022, outlines our long term vision to transform how we support farming and food production in Scotland to become a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture. As outlined in the Agricultural Reform Route Map, the Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that tenant farmers, smallholders, crofters, new entrants and land managers are effectively enabled to exercise their essential role in making ourVision for Agriculturea reality.

This Strategic Environmental Assessment of Agricultural Tenancies, Small Landholdings, and Land Use Tenancy Proposals tests the proposals and considers opportunities to enhance the environmental impact of the proposals while avoiding or reducing significant adverse effects on the environment. Impact Assessments, including a Strategic Environmental Assessment, are important tools in ensuring the suitability of the policy.

This consultation provides you with the opportunity to examine the environmental impact of our proposed changes to agricultural tenancies, small landholdings, and the new land use tenancy in the context of this Strategic Environmental Assessment. The proposals deliver:

  • Our Programme for Government 2021-22 commitment to “ensure tenant farmers and smallholders have the same access to climate change and mitigation measures”.
  • Our Bute House Agreement commitment to “continue to improve the rights of tenant farmers and smallholders so they are not disadvantaged from actively participating in climate change mitigation and adaptation”.

Tenant farmers, smallholders and land managers are hugely important to farming and food production in Scotland.Our proposals have been developed to ensure that tenant farmers and small landholders are supported to meet more of our food needs sustainably and to farm and croft with nature. They will ensure that tenant farmers and small landholders are given greater opportunities to contribute to addressing the twin crises. As part of delivering this commitment a detailed environmental report has been prepared on the proposals (Annex B and Annex C).



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