
Future of National Parks: strategic environmental assessment - environmental report

This environmental report is part of the strategic environmental assessment for the future of National Parks in Scotland.


1. NatureScot (2022): 30x30 Target explained

2. The Scottish Government (2020): Climate Change policy

3. National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000

4. The Scottish Government (2022): Biodiversity strategy to 2045: tackling the nature emergency

5. The Scottish Government (2022): New National Parks - nomination process and draft appraisal framework: consultation

6. The Scottish Government (2023): National Parks - challenge exercise: summary analysis

7. NatureScot (2023): National Parks Advice to Ministers - February 2023

8. The Scottish Government (2023): New National Parks: Annex A - Nomination Form

9. As indicated by the Scottish Household Survey 2021 Telephone Survey – key findings.
(The following url links to the Scottish Government website. The page presents key findings from the 2021 telephone survey)

10. Scottish Government (2022): Biodiversity strategy to 2045: tackling the nature emergency

11. Nature Scot (2023): 30x30 commitment to protect at least 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030

12. Scottish Government (2021): Guiding principles on the environment: draft statutory guidance

13. Scottish Government (2021): Guiding principles on the environment: draft statutory guidance

14. Scottish Wildlife Trust (2023): The 'Living Landscape' project

15. Scottish Government (2020): The Environment Strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes



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