
Future of National Parks: strategic environmental assessment - environmental report

This environmental report is part of the strategic environmental assessment for the future of National Parks in Scotland.

2. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) explained

Purpose of SEA

2.1 SEA considers and communicates the likely significant effects of an emerging plan, programme or strategy, and the reasonable alternatives considered during the plan making process, in terms of key environmental issues. The aim of SEA is to inform and influence the plan-making process with a view to avoiding or mitigating negative effects and maximising positive effects.

2.2 Whilst the focus of the SEA process will consider the likely significant environmental effects of the Future of National Parks proposals, opportunities for delivering enhancements and socio-economic benefits will also be considered. It is anticipated that this approach will effectively inform the development of the Future of National Park proposals to help enable the numerous 'win-win' opportunities provided by the proposals to be realised.

2.3 An SEA is undertaken in line with the procedures prescribed by the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005.

2.4 The Act requires that an environmental report is published for consultation alongside the draft plan that 'shall identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing (a) the plan or programme; and (b) reasonable alternatives to the plan or programme…taking into account the objectives and the geographical scope of the plan or programme.' The report must then be taken into account, alongside consultation responses, when finalising the plan.

2.5 The 'likely significant effects on the environment', are those defined in the Act as 'including on issues such as biodiversity, population, human health, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic factors, material assets, cultural heritage including architectural and archaeological heritage, landscape and the interrelationship between the above factors'. Reasonable alternatives to the plan need to take into consideration the objectives of the plan and its geographic scope. The choice of 'reasonable alternatives' is determined by means of a case-by-case assessment.

Stages of SEA

2.6 The key stages of the SEA for the Future of National Parks proposals are set out below.

SEA Stage 1:

  • Establish the context and baseline for the SEA
  • Identify key environmental issues for The Future of National Park proposals
  • Develop the SEA Framework
  • Key output: SEA Scoping Report

SEA Stage 2:

  • Develop and refine alternatives for elements of the Future of National Parks proposals
  • Appraise the significant effects of these alternatives

SEA Stage 3:

  • Appraise the draft Future of National Park proposals
  • Prepare the SEA Environmental Report for stakeholder engagement
  • Key output: Environmental Report

SEA Stage 4:

  • Stakeholder engagement on the Environmental Report

SEA Stage 5:

  • Monitor the significant effects of the Future of National Park proposals
  • Prepare the SEA post-adoption statement
  • Key output: SEA post-adoption statement

This Environmental Report

Purpose of this Environmental Report

2.7 This Environmental Report accompanies the latest version of the Future of National Parks proposals and is a key output of the SEA process. Its purpose is to:

  • Identify, describe, and evaluate the likely significant environmental effects of the Future of National Parks proposals and alternative approaches; and
  • Provide a perspective on the likely environmental performance of the Future of National Parks proposals and key areas for monitoring during its implementation.

2.8 The Environmental Report is the second document to be produced as part of the SEA process for the Future of National Parks proposals. The first document was the combined SEA Screening and Scoping Report (May 2023), which included information about the baseline and the 'framework' against which The Future of National Parks proposals has been assessed.

Structure of this Environmental Report

2.9 In line with the provisions of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, this Environmental Report has been structured as follows:

  • Chapter 3 presents an overview of the scoping process for the SEA (Stage 1 in Figure 2.1).
  • Chapter 4 presents an assessment of the current version of the Future of National Parks proposals, in terms of the likely significant environmental effects of the proposals (Stage 3). Alongside, alternative approaches relating to the Future of National Parks Proposals have been assessed. These have been assessed as reasonable alternatives (Stage 2).
  • Chapter 5 explores the relative merits of taking forward a new National Park in various broad locations in Scotland, recognising the different characteristics of these areas in terms of the potential benefits and disbenefits such a designation would provide (Stage 2).
  • Chapter 6 presents proposals for monitoring the significant environmental effects of the Future of National Parks proposals, and opportunities for enhancements (linked to Stage 5).
  • Chapter 7 subsequently sets out the next steps for the Future of National Parks proposals and accompanying SEA process.

2.10 Consultation on this Environmental Report alongside the Future of National Parks proposals comprises Stage 4.



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