
Future of National Parks: strategic environmental assessment - environmental report

This environmental report is part of the strategic environmental assessment for the future of National Parks in Scotland.

Appendix A Screening responses

Table AA.1: Screening responses

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Screening Response

Thank you for consulting SEPA on this Screening Report by way of your email of 3rd May 2023.

In accordance with Section 9(3) of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 we have reviewed the screening report using the criteria set out in Schedule 2 of the Act. In regard to our main areas of interest (air, water, soil, human health, material assets and climatic factors) we agree with the conclusions of the screening report that the proposed PPS may have significant environmental effects.

When considering the scope of the assessment please refer to our SEA topic guidance notes

We are committed to providing early and focused advice; if you would find it helpful to discuss your approach to the assessment prior to formal consultation please do not hesitate to contact

me by email or via our SEA Gateway at

How the response was considered/ addressed

The scope of the SEA has been informed by the SEA topic guidance notes, which have been a useful source of reference throughout the SEA process.


Screening Response

Thank you for your Screening Report consultation which NatureScot received via the Scottish Government SEA Gateway.

NatureScot has considered your screening report using the criteria set out in Schedule 2 of the 2005 Act. Having reviewed the Screening Report, we agree that there are likely to be significant environmental effects. Based on the information available to date we consider that significant effects are most likely with respect to issues which fall within our remit of biodiversity, flora and fauna, population and human health (access & recreation and participation & engagement), soil, climatic factors and landscape.

We note that you have also submitted a scoping report for this plan. We will provide comment on this separately.

Please note that this consultation response provides a view solely on the potential for the plan or programme to have significant environmental effects. We cannot comment on whether or not the plan or programme meets other criteria determining the need for SEA as set out in the Act.

Should you wish to discuss this screening consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the email address below or via our SEA Gateway at

How the response was considered/ addressed

The SEA topics which fall within the remit of NatureScot have been scoped in to the SEA process, with the likely effects associated with the current draft proposals presented within the Environmental Report – see Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.

Historic Environment Scotland

Screening Response

Thank you for your consultation which we received on 03 May 2023 about the above screening report. We have reviewed this report in our role as a Consultation Authority under the above Act, in accordance with the requirements of Section 9(3). In doing so we have used the criteria set out in Schedule 2 for determining the likely significance of the effects on the environment.

Historic Environment Scotland's view

In light of the information and reasoning set out within the screening report, we agree with your view that there are likely to be significant environmental effects for the historic environment.

Next steps

The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 requires you as the Responsible Authority to determine whether an environmental assessment is required. You must then notify the Consultation Authorities within 28 days of making this determination. This may be done via the SEA Gateway (

We hope our advice is helpful to you in making this determination.

How the response was considered/ addressed

'Cultural Heritage' has been scoped into the SEA process, with the likely effects to historic environment assets associated with the current draft proposals presented within the Environmental Report – see Chapter 4 and Chapter 5.



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