
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Environmental Report

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Final Environmental Report (Post-Consultation Issue) November 2008

9. Next Steps in the Process

9.0.1 The SEA has appraised the options presented within early drafts of the Consultation Proposals for the Scottish Climate Change Bill. These options have been assessed to identify potential environmental effects and the implications of possible emissions reduction measures.

9.0.2 Following the consultation on the Bill proposals the SEA has assessed the potential addition of muirburn proposals as a significant change, and will close with the submission of the Scottish Climate Change Bill to the Scottish Parliament. At that point an SEA Post Adoption Statement will identify where the SEA has resulted in changes to the Bill proposals.

9.1 Consultation Period and Responses

9.1.1 The Scottish Climate Change Bill consultation closed on the 23rd of April 2008.

9.1.2 This Environmental Report ( ER) represents the key output of the SEA. The European SEA Directive requires that significant changes or additions to a plan or programme, resulting from consultation processes be appraised in a manner consistent with the original assessment methodology.

9.2 Responding to the Consultation

9.2.1 The Consultation is now closed.

9.2.2 This re-issue of the Environmental Report has taken into account and addressed comments received during the consultation period. Other than the potential addition of muirburn proposals, no significant changes were identified as necessary to the Environmental Report and the Consultation Authorities were content with the scope of the SEA and assessments applied.

9.2.3 New Appendices have been added that address:

  • Muirburn Assessments.
  • Comments received on the Environmental Report.

9.2.4 The SEA Statement will provide a more accessible summary of key findings, as recommended by the Consultation Authorities.

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