Scottish new National Parks - phase 2 - strategic environmental assessment (SEA): SEA reasonable alternatives report
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) addendum report for the future of National Parks proposals in Scotland
Appendix A: The SEA Framework
The key environmental issues for the Scottish New National Parks have been translated into an SEA ‘Framework’ of objectives and assessment questions.
The SEA Framework, which has been tailored for the Scottish New National Parks proposals, provides a way in which the likely significant environmental effects of the proposals and alternatives can be identified and subsequently analysed based on a structured and consistent approach.
Whilst all topics have been scoped-in to the assessment, the SEA Framework and the assessment findings in this Reasonable Alternatives Report have been streamlined and presented under seven SEA topics to deliver a proportionate and effective assessment process. The accompanying objectives and assessment questions for each topic have been refined as appropriate in recognition of the strategic nature of the proposals at this stage.
SEA topic | SEA objective | Assessment questions (will the proposals help to…) |
Biodiversity and geodiversity | Support the integrity of internationally, nationally, and locally designated sites in Scotland. |
Biodiversity and geodiversity | Support the integrity of habitats and species in Scotland. |
Biodiversity and geodiversity | Enhance understanding of biodiversity, fauna, and flora in Scotland. |
Biodiversity and geodiversity | Support the integrity of geodiversity resources in Scotland. |
Climate change | Support Scotland’s resilience to the potential effects of climate change, including flooding. |
Climate change | Promote climate change mitigation efforts within Scotland. |
Environmental quality | Maintain and enhance air quality in Scotland. |
Environmental quality | Maintain and enhance water resources in Scotland. |
Environmental quality | Maintain and enhance soil resources in Scotland. |
Material assets | To reduce pressures on and facilitate the sustainable use of natural and built resources in Scotland. |
Cultural heritage | Conserve, enhance, and promote Scotland’s historic environment, including designated and non-designated heritage assets. |
Cultural heritage | Promote opportunities for enhancing the understanding of Scotland’s distinct historic environment. |
Landscape | Conserve and enhance Scotland’s landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, townscapes and villagescapes. |
Landscape | Protect and enhance the character and quality of Scotland’s landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, townscapes and villagescapes. |
Population and human health | Support thriving communities in Scotland. |
Population and human health | Improve the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors to Scotland. |
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