Scottish new National Parks - phase 2 - strategic environmental assessment (SEA): SEA reasonable alternatives report
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) addendum report for the future of National Parks proposals in Scotland
1 A ‘honeypot site’ refers to a tourism hotspot. These sites attract large numbers of tourists; therefore, at these sites there is a greater potential for adverse impacts on the local environment if not managed appropriately.
2 NatureScot (2022): 30x30 Target explained
3 The Scottish Government (2020): Climate Change policy
4 Cairngorms National Park (2022): Partnership Plan 2022-2027
5 Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (2024): Draft Partnership Plan 2024-2029
6 Scottish Government (2023): National Planning Framework 4
7 Scottish Government (2024): Onshore wind development within new National Parks
8 Dumfries and Galloway Council (2023): Shoreline Management Plan
9 Scottish Government (2021): Guiding principles on the environment: draft statutory guidance
10 GSA Reserve Partnership (2022): Nature and Wildlife
11 GOV.UK (2024). Pathway for zero emission vehicle transition by 2035 becomes law
12 National Parks UK (2024): Historic Environment
13 Cairngorms National Park Authority (2024): Working Together - Cairngorms 2030
14 Loch Lomond and The Trossachs Countryside Trust (2023): 2023-2030 Strategy
15 National Rail (2024): Route Map - Main Stations (June 2024)
16 UNESCO (no date). UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the UK.
17 Scottish Government (2023): NPF4 Annex C - Spatial Planning Priorities
18 The Scottish Government (2022): Biodiversity strategy to 2045: tackling the nature emergency
19 Nature Scot (2024): New National Park Reporter Consultation (Phase 2)
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