
Strategic guidance for community planning partnerships: community learning and development

This guidance will help promote a more integrated approach in supporting active community participation in planning and delivery of services.

1. Context

1.1 In this guidance, the Scottish Government is renewing its commitment to Community Learning and Development (CLD). This matters because building a learning culture is central to the well-being, resilience and dynamism of our communities - and, ultimately, in achieving our purpose

To focus government and public services on creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.

1.2 The Government's response to the Commission on the Future of Public Service Delivery sets out a vision of how Scotland's public services need to change:

'We will empower local communities and local service providers to work together to develop practical solutions that make best use of all the resources available. The focus of public spending and action must build on the assets and potential of the individual, the family and the community rather than being dictated by organisational structures and boundaries. Public services must work harder to involve people everywhere in the redesign and reshaping of their activities.' 1

1.3 In our 2011 proposals for reforming post-16 learning, Putting Learners at the Centre, we made clear our wish to work with partners in strengthening the strategic approach to CLD in Scotland. The result is this refreshed guidance for local Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs), community planning partners more generally, and other national stakeholders.

1.4 CLD is an essential means of delivering Scottish Government priorities, in particular Curriculum for Excellence, GIRFEC and the Government's social policy frameworks for combating poverty, tackling health inequalities and prioritising early years. Annex A illustrates the current Government priorities of particular relevance.

1.5 We have developed this guidance through talking to a wide range of interested and expert stakeholders. It builds on recent progress and forms the starting point for a process of implementation, learning and improvement, that - crucially - focuses on outcomes for learners and communities.


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