
Strategic Housing investment Plan: guidance note MHDGN 2021/01

This guidance note contains revised guidance for local authorities who prepare a Strategic Housing Investment Plan.

A Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) is an important document which sets out a local authority’s strategic investment priorities for housing over a 5 year period, specifically affordable housing and Gypsy/Traveller accommodation to achieve the priorities and outcomes set out in its local housing strategy.  Specifically, it is the key document for identifying:

  • Proposed strategic housing projects which require Scottish Government AHSP funding support.  It is expected that the majority of homes delivered through the AHSP will be new build units (which could include ‘off the shelf’ purchases from developers).  However, where it can be demonstrated that acquisition of ‘second hand’ stock for sale on the open market[1] is the most appropriate method of meeting housing need in a particular area, the programme will continue to support this[2].  Funding may also be made available to remodel/ rehabilitate/ convert existing properties where this is considered a strategic priority; 
  • Proposed affordable housing projects which are to be provided without Scottish Government funding support (i.e. funded by the local authority)

The SHIP is therefore an operational rather than policy document and:

  • reflects the housing policies and outcomes set out in each local  authority’s Local Housing Strategy (LHS) and LHS Outcome Action Plan;
  • reinforces the role of the local authority as the strategic housing  authority;
  • informs Scottish Government investment decisions; and
  • informs the preparation of a Strategic Local Programme Agreement  that sets out the planned programme across the local authority for the year and, where required, Programme Agreements to individual providers setting out their planned programme for the year. 

[1] This could include the purchase of former local authority housing. 

[2] The Scottish Government and the relevant local authority will require to agree the number of such purchases that can be approved each year. 

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