Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) guidance note MHDGN 2024/01

This guidance note contains revised procedures for preparing a Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) and supersedes MHDGN 2023/02.

Submission to the Scottish Government and SHIP Review Process

The SHIP should be submitted through the HARP system no later than Friday 25 October 2024 (‘the Submission Date’). Instructions for inputting a SHIP is available within the Help documents on HARP. More Homes Division expects that some SHIPs will be prepared earlier than this date and therefore encourages local authorities to submit these to the Scottish Government earlier than the Submission Date if they are in a position to do so. The Scottish Government expects the SHIP to have secured approval, at the appropriate level within the local authority, prior to the Submission Date and to be made available in the right format.

A SHIP will be considered by the Scottish Government in line with the process agreed with COSLA. In reviewing a SHIP, the Scottish Government will take account of the following areas:

  • the extent to which the SHIP delivers LHS priorities and outcomes
  • the extent to which the SHIP is feasible to deliver
  • the SHIP includes all relevant information set out in this guidance
  • the local authority’s contribution to the delivery of the programme, both in terms of its facilitation role and in terms of maximisation of resources
  • evidence that the local authority is supporting the efficient delivery of the SHIP
  • evidence that stakeholders have been involved in developing the SHIP and in the implementation of proposals, and
  • the extent to which the SHIP takes account of equality issues.



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