Health and social care - strategic plans: statutory guidance

Statutory guidance, focused on integration authority strategic plans, which supports the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) 2014 Act.

Annex C: Checklist in preparing a strategic plan

This checklist is intended as a high-level guide to assist integration authorities produce their strategic plan.

It does not represent an exhaustive list of required activities. Integration authorities are expected to build upon and tailor the checklist to their local needs and take into account the information presented throughout the rest of this guidance.

  • Consider timelines of all planning activities to ensure that the review process and/or production of a new plan is completed within appropriate timeframes
  • Engage with and take into consideration feedback from the Strategic Planning Group
  • Complete an equality impact assessment, and other relevant impact assessments, ready to publish alongside the strategic plan
  • Complete and/or use joint strategic needs assessment output in the formation of the strategic plan
  • Complete and/or use market facilitation plan output in the formation of the strategic plan
  • Ensure strategic plan meets the content requirements
  • Consider the application of the Framework for Community Health and Social Care Integrated Services
  • Consider the application of the HIS Good Practice Framework for Strategic Planning
  • Form appropriate links between the strategic plan and medium term financial plan
  • Discuss and form appropriate links between the strategic plan and other local plans (e.g. health, housing, justice, children’s services, and others)
  • Complete the housing contribution statement
  • Complete wider engagement, beyond the Strategic Planning Group, including linking into existing local forums and across policy boundaries
  • Consider producing an implementation plan, or set of implementation plans, outlining how the strategic plan will be delivered
  • Produce an annual financial statement, ready to publish alongside the strategic plan
  • Produce a consultation statement, ready to publish alongside the strategic plan
  • Produce an easy read version of the strategic plan
  • Consider publication approach (range of publication formats, potential launch events or presentations, promotion strategy, etc.)
  • Consider the means of monitoring the impact of the strategic plan via annual performance reports ents or presentations, promotion strategy, etc.)



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