
Strategic police priorities: consultation analysis

External analysis report of the responses received to the consultation on the revised strategic police priorities.

6. Impact Assessment

6.1 Impact Assessment

The Scottish Government’s equality duty requires them to assess the impact of applying any policy changes as it is a legislative requirement. Equality impact assessments (EQIA) consider how a policy may impact the general population, positively or negatively. The questions below have been added in order to conduct a partial EQIA on the SPPs to consider the impact they may have.

A low number of respondents indicated they had comments to make on the partial EQIA   - 24 out of 59 Citizen Space respondents. Eighteen respondents did not feel that they had anything to add and the remaining 17 did not respond to this question. It could be helpful to develop the EQIA a bit further.

Respondent type Number of Responses
Individuals 7
Organisation 17

Question 6. Do you have any comments to make on our partial equalities impact assessment?

There were mixed responses and topics from respondents in this section of the consultation.

6.1.1 Positivity

There were some positive comments around the partial equalities impact assessment with individuals and organisations welcoming the opportunity to be involved in the consultation and the feeling that it covers what it is required to.

“I have read through the EQIA and feel it covers the appropriate range of equality criteria”


“The document provides a clear purpose for a modern policing service in Scotland by reflecting and recognising the needs and demands of the diverse communities it serves.”

Local Authority

“The partial equalities impact assessment appears to be a sound review of evidence related to the SPPs as set out in the consultation document.”


“It is helpful to see how the Strategic Police Priorities have been drafted with consideration of a wide range equality issues. It also provides a clear baseline in terms of current data, so that the impact and effectiveness of the new Strategic Police Priorities can be measured.”


6.1.2 Other comments

There were a variety of different comments and suggestions from individuals and organisations about the partial equality impact assessment. Below are some of the themes that came up within the consultation. Please note that most of the themes were only raised once or twice.

  • Data - One organisation would like further information around gender, ethnicity and crime rates. It was felt that it would be useful to break this information down demographically. Pregnancy and maternity should also be groups considered. One individual had worries for her children and future generations as she believes crime rates are still high even though they appear to be reducing. Another individual suggested that the data on this should be looked into.  One organisation stated that it is difficult to comment on the partial assessment as it does not yet describe impacts (both positive and negative) on each protected characteristic. This data would also be worth reviewing.
  • Accessibility – there is no mention of this within the consultation and it should be considered as everyone should have access to services.
  • Diversity & Equality – the idea of employing a diverse workforce was well received. One organisation said they would welcome assurances of how Police Scotland will avoid a loss of focus on equalities issues. 
  • Road safety - one organisation had concerns around elderly drivers causing more road traffic incidents.
  • Too broad & gaps - “Equality Impact Assessment/Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment”, it was suggested that this is not appropriate to combine these.
  • Social media - bullying on social media was also mentioned as being important for the police to be aware of and look into.
  • Adaptability – This was raised again by one organisation, stating that policing needs to adapt to the location e.g. rural vs suburbs.

 “The priority which is to employ, support and empower a diverse workforce to deliver a high-quality service is welcomed and will ensure equal opportunities for people from a diverse range of demographic backgrounds to be employed and progress equally within Police Scotland. Police Scotland play a major role in preventing and tackling crime that is founded in discrimination and so to be an exemplar employer is absolutely right.”


“The partial equalities impact assessment is welcomed, however there were some areas that more information would be helpful.  In relation to Gender (including pregnancy and maternity). Can more detail be made available regarding the types of crime being experienced and is there a disproportionate type of crime by gender?  Also, what if any is the difference in types of crimes committed by women than men and does this information inform any other activities? In relation to Race/Ethnicity, it would be helpful to have more information relating to data for arrests relating to Stop and Search by, particularly black and minority ethnic peoples in relation to the population and rates for white groups.”




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