
Strategic police priorities: consultation analysis

External analysis report of the responses received to the consultation on the revised strategic police priorities.

7. Summary

7.1 Key findings

Seventy-one respondents took part in the consultation from a variety of different backgrounds and organisations across Scotland: individuals, local authorities, third sector organisations, and local police divisions. Fifty-nine responses were collected via Citizen Space and twelve stakeholder meetings were attended by officials from the Scottish Government.

The respondents who took part came from a good spread of backgrounds/organisations and the feedback provided was detailed. The comments received and key themes mirror the feedback from the twelve stakeholder meetings that were run in conjunction with the consultation. It is therefore felt that sufficient relevant insight has been gained around the SPPs and their cycle length.

7.1.1 SPPs

The SPPs were generally well received by individuals and organisations. Respondents could see the value of them and understood what the police are trying to do through these priorities. They were particularly positive about the Crime and Security and Partnerships SPPs – these seemed to be discussed the most. Crime and Security appeared to be key for many respondents and the main theme they discussed was around prevention. Mentions were around reducing crime and being more proactive. Partnerships was also discussed by respondents who noted that they liked the idea of the police working with communities and other agencies. Project examples included: Ignition Project, Friday Night Project. Confidence was also mentioned frequently with a key theme being around local policing. There were less mentions made of ‘Evidence’ by respondents with People and Sustainability being the proposed SPPs which was least mentioned throughout the consultation.

7.1.2 Localism 

Throughout the consultation there were many mentions made of the word ‘local’ with regards to community and policing. Respondents expressed concern that local policing isn’t a focus of the proposed SPPs or at least a visible focus and they were concerned that there is no longer a SPP focused on localism.

7.1.3 Length of cycle

In connection with the length of cycle for reviewing the SPPs, the majority of respondents agreed with the proposed 6-year timeframe. Most could see that this would be beneficial for implementing strategies and then tracking and analysing their performance – especially organisations that potentially have a strategic outlook. There was a suggestion around monitoring the SPPs progress at certain time points or having a midway review.

7.1.4 Measurement

Two key themes emerged with regards to measuring the SPPs impact. The first was around consultation – involving the community and organisations in discussions and asking for their opinions and feedback. The other was around utilising various datasets e.g. crime rates to measure the SPPs impact. It was also commented in this section that respondents welcomed the opportunity to input/feedback on developments such as these.

7.1.5 EQIA

There were a number of mixed views and comments on the partial equality impact assessment in the consultation. The key theme focused on ‘data’ with some organisations and individuals suggesting that more data around crime rates split demographically would be really useful e.g. by gender, or ethnicity. Other topics mentioned once or twice by respondents included: diversity and equality, road safety, adaptability. 

It has been agreed that further development of the EQIA is required.



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