
Strategic police priorities: consultation analysis

External analysis report of the responses received to the consultation on the revised strategic police priorities.

Appendix 1

List of the 30 organisations who responded to the consultation

Aberdeenshire Council
Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP)
Borders Council
City of Edinburgh Council
Community Justice Scotland
Community Planning west Dunbartonshire
Dumfries and Galloway Council
East Ayrshire Council
East Ayrshire HSCP
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Lothian Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Fife Council
Historic Environment Scotland
Inverclyde Police & Fire Scrutiny Committee
Law Society for Scotland
NHS Fife (Public Health)
North Ayrshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council
Outer Hebrides Community Justice Partnership
Renfrewshire Council
Safe Glasgow Partnership/GCC
Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
Scottish Community Safety Network
Scottish Women's Aid
South Ayrshire Council
South Lanarkshire Council
South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Victim Support Scotland

Stakeholder meeting information

Date (2019) Location Group
15th July  Tulliallan Castle, Kincardine National Superintendents Forum
23rd July  SHRC offices, Edinburgh Scottish Human Rights Commission
29th August  Committee Room in the City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow Glasgow Community Planning Partnership (GCPP), the Safe Glasgow Partnership (SGP)
30th August  Council Chamber, Council Headquarters, Newtown St Boswells Police, Fire and Rescue and Safer Communities Board
5th of September St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh Policy Development Lead - Community Justice Scotland 
17th September Council Offices, Hamilton South Lanarkshire Council
17th September Commonwealth Pool, Edinburgh Police Scotland Youth Volunteers 
19th September  Motherwell Civic Centre North Lanarkshire Council
26th September Stornoway Police Station Local police officers
26th September Stornoway Police Station Western Isles Community Justice Partnership
1st October  Inverness Police HQ Police Scotland Highlands and Islands Co-ordination Unit 
2nd October Session facilitated by Young Scot staff, with briefing in advance from Scottish Government officials  Young Scot

Respondents’ satisfaction with the consultation

Figure 5: Satisfaction with the consultation

Figure 5: Satisfaction with the consultation

Base: 48

Over half the respondents were either very satisfied or slightly satisfied with the consultation (57%). This being said, a total of 44% were not sure either way or were slightly or very dissatisfied with it.

Response Number of Responses
Very satisfied 20
Slightly satisfied 7
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 10
Slightly dissatisfied 9
Very dissatisfied 2

Respondents’ satisfaction with Citizen Space

Figure 6: Satisfaction with Citizen Space

Figure 6: Satisfaction with Citizen Space

Base: 48

Nearly three quarters (73%) of respondents were very satisfied or slightly satisfied with using Citizen Space for the consultation. Around a quarter (23%) were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and very small proportion were slightly dissatisfied or dissatisfied (4%). 

Response Number of Responses
Very satisfied 26
Slightly satisfied 9
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 11
Slightly dissatisfied 1
Very dissatisfied 1

Anonymity and sharing responses

Figure 7: Publishing preferences of respondents

Figure 7: Publishing preferences of respondents

Base: 57

Just over half (51%) of respondents requested that their response be published anonymously. A further 40% were happy to allow attributed publication of their response. A small percentage would not allow their response to be published (9%).

Response Number of Responses
Do not publish response 5
Publish response (without name) 29
Publish response with name  23



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