
Strategic police priorities for Scotland: consultation

Consultation paper seeking views on revised strategic police priorities, relating to the policing of Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority's functions.

Revised Strategic Police Priorities

Development of revised SPPs

To develop the draft SPPs set out in this consultation paper, we have discussed our thinking with a range of organisations who have a direct interest in policing in Scotland. This has included:

  • The SPA
  • Police Scotland
  • Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS)
  • The Police Investigation and Review Commissioner (PIRC)
  • COSLA officials
  • Representatives from the Scottish Police Federation and the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents.

We also held wider discussions with officials across the Scottish Government with an interest in Policing.

Key themes which have emerged during these early discussions include:

  • Reinforcing the importance of an open and transparent governance framework for the police service, including planning and performance
  • Ensuring the SPPs reinforce the importance and value of the workforce
  • Evidence of demand as a key driver for the development and delivery of the service
  • Tackling crime should remain a core priority for the service
  • Being as clear as possible about the role of the police service in delivering services with partners
  • The need for a continued focus on local policing, within the context of a national police service
  • The importance of service transformation to delivering effective and sustainable services.

The 12-week consultation period will give us an opportunity to undertake wider discussions and meetings with interested parties on the development of the SPPs. This will be focused on ensuring local interests are represented in the process, including local communities, individuals, local authorities, third sector organisations and local Police Scotland divisions.

Revised Strategic Police Priorities

The SPPs relate to the policing of Scotland and the carrying out of the SPA's functions. This includes Police Scotland, and the SPA's Forensic Service, Independent Custody Visiting and Corporate functions.

The SPPs are purposefully strategic and concise to enable the SPA and Police Scotland to further define the outcomes, objectives and actions which flow from this high-level direction.

The proposed Strategic Police Priorities are as follows:

Strategic Police Priorities

Crime and Security – prioritises prevention, investigation, equality and human rights to support positive criminal justice outcomes, respond to current and emerging threats and maintain public order.

Confidence – continues to inspire public trust by being ethical, open and transparent, evidencing performance against outcomes, and building on a positive reputation at a local, national and international level.

Partnerships – works proactively with partners to maintain safe communities and support improved outcomes for individuals, increasing resilience and addressing vulnerability.

Sustainability – adapts to present and plans for future social and economic circumstances, considering the environmental impact of policing and its operations.

People – values, supports, engages and empowers a diverse workforce to lead and deliver high quality services.

Evidence – uses evidence to develop services and addresses current and emerging demands, ensuring that the right capacity and skills are in place to deliver high performing and innovative services.

Lifespan of the SPPs

The Act does not provide a set timescale within which the SPPs should be reviewed.

We are proposing that the draft SPPs set out above will be in place for a 6 year period. This is a shift away from the 3 year cycle for setting the SPPs, which we have had to date. This will mean they will be in place for the refresh of the 3 year Strategic Plan which the SPA will undertake later in 2019/20, but also for the next revision in 2023.

We believe this will provide an advantage of allowing sufficient time for the revised SPPs to set a longer-term strategic direction within the police planning framework, and to achieve the 'golden thread'. It will also provide a longer time period to assess progress in delivering the priorities and build a clear evidence base, to assist with future reviews of the SPPs.



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