
Offshore wind - birds on migration in Scottish waters: strategic review

A report detailing the migratory routes of bird species around the UK and Ireland which have the potential to be impacted by offshore wind developments. This forms part of the strategic study of collision risk for birds on migration and further development of the stochastic collision risk modelling tool work package one.

Appendix 3 - Reports Contributing Data to The Estimation of Avoidance Rates

Wind Farm/Region


Altamount Pass

Thelander, C. G., Smallwood, K. S., Rugge, L. (2003) Bird risk behaviors and fatalities at the Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area: Period of performance March 1998 – December 2000. NREL


The Landmark Practice (2013) Birds and wind turbines at avonmouth docks. Year 5 Monitoring Report. Ecotricity.

Biglow County

Enk, T.; Bay, K.; Sonnenberg, M.; Boehrs, J. (2012). Biglow Canyon Wind Farm – Phase III - Year 1 Avian and Bat Monitoring Report. Report by Western Ecosystems Technology Inc (WEST). Report for Portland General Electric Company.

Bloodgate Hill

Percival, S., Percival, T., Hoit, M., Langdon, K., & Lowe, T. (2008). Blood Hill Wind Farm, Norfolk. Post-construction wintering bird surveys 2006-07 and 2007-08. Durham.

Blyth Harbour

Percival, S., Percival, T., & Lowe, T. (2017). Wansbeck Blyth Harbour Wind Farm Ornithological Monitoring Programme: Wintering Bird Surveys 2016-17. Durham


Everaert, J. (2008). Effecten van windturbines op de fauna in Vlaanderen. Onderzoeks resultaten, discussie en aanbevelingen. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels. Brussels.

Everaert, J., Devos, K., & Kuijken, E. (2002). Windturbines en vogels in Vlaanderen: Voorlopige onderzoeksresultaten en buitenlandse bevindingen.


DULAC P. – 2008 - Evaluation de l'impact du parc éolien de Bouin (Vendée) sur l'avifaune et les chauves-souris. Bilan de 5 années de suivi. Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux délégation Vendée / ADEME Pays de la Loire / Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire, La Roche-sur-Yon - Nantes, 106 pages.

Braes Of Doune

Urquhart, B., Whitfielt, D. P. (2016) Derivation of an avoidance rate for red kite Milvus milvus suitable for onshore wind farm collision risk modelling. Natural Research

De Put

Everaert, J. (2008). Effecten van windturbines op de fauna in Vlaanderen. Onderzoeks resultaten, discussie en aanbevelingen. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels. Brussels.

Everaert, J., Devos, K., & Kuijken, E. (2002). Windturbines en vogels in Vlaanderen: Voorlopige onderzoeksresultaten en buitenlandse bevindingen.


A. Brenninkmeijer, C. van der Weyde, 2011. Monitoring vogelaanvaringen Windpark Delfzijl-Zuid 2006-2011, A&W rapport 1656 Altenburg & Wymenga ecologisch onderzoek, Feanwâlden


Zielinski, P., Bela, G., & Marchlewski, A. (2008). Report on monitoring of the wind farm impact on birds in the vicinity of Gniezdzewo (gmina Puck, pomorskie voivodeship).

Zielinski, P., Bela, G., & Marchlewski, A. (2010). Report on monitoring of the wind farm impact on birds in the vicinity of Gniezdzewo (gmina Puck, pomorskie voivodeship).

Zielinski, P., Bela, G., & Marchlewski, A. (2011). Report on monitoring of the wind farm near Gnieżdżewo impact on birds (gmina Puck, pomorskie voivodeship) Autumn 2011.

Zielinski, P., Bela, G., & Marchlewski, A. (2012). Report on monitoring of the wind farm near Gnieżdżewo impact on birds (gmina Puck, pomorskie voivodeship) Autumn 2012

Goole Fields

Percival, S., Percival, T., & Lowe, T. (2018b). Goole Fields Wind Farm, East Yorkshire: Post-construction Phase Breeding Bird Surveys Breeding Season 2017. Durham.

Percival, S., Percival, T., & Lowe, T. (2018c). Goole Fields Wind Farm, East YorkshireL Post-construction Phase Bird Surveys Autumn/Winter 2015/16 to 2017/18. Durham.

Goole Fields II

Percival, S., Percival, T., & Lowe, T. (2018a). Goole Fields II Wind Farm, East Yorkshire Post-construction Year 1 Bird Surveys 2017-18. Durham


Percival, S. (2020). Haverigg II Windfarm Lifetime Extension Report to Inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment. Durham.

Arcus Consultancy Services. (2019). Winter Ornithology Report 2018-19 Haverigg III Wind Farm Life Extension North Lane, Haverigg, Cumbria. York.


Percival, S. (n.d.). Hellrigg Wind Farm: Goose Refuge Monitoring Report Winter 2011-12. Durham.

Percival, S. (2015). Hellrigg Wind Farm: Goose Refuge Monitoring Report Winter 2014-15. Durham.


Kitano, M., Shiraki, S. (2013). Estimation of Bird Fatalities at Wind Farms with Complex Topography and Vegetation in Hokkaido, Japan. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 37(1), 41–48.

Keewauneee County

Howe, R.; Evans, W.; Wolf, A. (2002). Effects of Wind Turbines on Birds and Bats in Northeastern Wisconsin. Report by University of Wisconsin.


Wild Frontier Ecology (2013) Kessingland Wind Farm annual post-construction monitoring report Year 2.

Kleine Pathoweg

Everaert, J. (2008). Effecten van windturbines op de fauna in Vlaanderen. Onderzoeks resultaten, discussie en aanbevelingen. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels. Brussels.

Everaert, J., Devos, K., & Kuijken, E. (2002). Windturbines en vogels in Vlaanderen: Voorlopige onderzoeksresultaten en buitenlandse bevindingen.


Drachmann, J., Waagner, S., Nielsen H. H. (2020) Klim Vindmollepark – Monitoring af fuglekollisioner ar 1 og as 3 (2016/17 og 2018/19). Vattenfall.

La Peuchapatte

Aschwanden, J., Stark, H., Peter, D., Steuri, T., Schmid, B., Liechti, F. (2018) Bird collisions at wind turbines in a mountainous area related to bird movement intensities measured by radar. Biological Conservation, 220, 228-236


Winkelman, J. E. (1992). The impact of the Sep Wind Park near Oosterbierum (Fr.). The Netherlands, on birds, 1: Collision Victims. Arnheim


Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. (2015) First year post-construction monitoring of bats and birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Osterild

Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. (2017) Second year post-construction monitoring of bats and birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Osterild

Red House Farm

Percival, S., Percival, T., Lowe, T., Hoit, M., & Langdon, K. (2015). Red house farm wind cluster, Lincolnshire. Post-construction breeding bird, marsh harrier surveys and collision monitoring 2009. Durham


Verbeek, R. G., Beuker, D., Hartman, J. C., & Krijgsveld, K. L. (2012). Monitoring vogels Windpark Sabinapolder Onderzoek naar aanvaringsslachtoffers. Culemborg

Slufterdam & Distridam

Prinsen, H. A. M., Hartman, J. C., Beuker, D., Anema, L. S. A. 2013. Vliegbewegingen van meeuwen en eterns bij twee windparken op de Eerste Massvlakte. Veldonderzoek naar flux, vlieghoogtes en aanvaringsslachtoffers. Bureau Waardenburg


May, R., Hoel, P.L., Langston, R., Dahl, E.L., Bevanger, K., Reitan, O., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Røskaft, E. & Stokke, B.G. 2010. Collision risk in white-tailed eagles. Modelling collision risk using vantage point observations in Smøla wind-power plant. – NINA Report 639. 25 pp.


Erickson, W.; Jeffrey, J.; Kronner, K.; Bay, K. (2004). Stateline Wind Project Wildlife Monitoring Final Report: July 2001 - December 2003. Report by Northwest Wildlife Consultants Inc. Report for FPL Energy.


Skov, H., Heinänen, S., Norman, T., Ward, R.M., Méndez-Roldán, S. & Ellis, I. 2018. ORJIP Bird Collision and Avoidance Study. Final report – April 2018. The Carbon Trust. United Kingdom. 247 pp.


Arikan, K., Turan, S. L. (2017) Estimation of bird fatalities caused by wind turbines in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26, 6543-6550


Atkins (2015) Wanlip wind turbine post-construction bird monitoring year 2 (2014/15). Severn Trent Water.


Everaert, J. (2008). Effecten van windturbines op de fauna in Vlaanderen. Onderzoeks resultaten, discussie en aanbevelingen. Rapporten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Brussels. Brussels.

Everaert, J., Devos, K., & Kuijken, E. (2002). Windturbines en vogels in Vlaanderen: Voorlopige onderzoeksresultaten en buitenlandse bevindingen.



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