
Strategy for our veterans

The strategy sets out our principles and aims to continue to empower and support veterans.

The Strategy for our veterans sets the principles and aims to continue to support older veterans and establishes the right conditions that will empower and support the newer generation and their wider community. This strategy applies across the spectrum of the Veterans demographic groups.

Looking ahead, this strategy sets the intent for veterans public services across the UK to work towards.

Veterans live across the UK and draw on services from across governments. To reflect this, the Strategy is a UK-wide document, supported by UK, Scottish and Welsh governments. Delivery will look different in each part of the country. However, the support of all governments in the UK means a full commitment to achieving a shared vision and principles and the best outcomes for veterans across the whole country.

Each nation will determine its own means of consultation to support implementation of this strategy. These will seek views on focused questions, to build on the research and engagement conducted to produce this strategy, against a backdrop of what is already delivered.

Strategy for our veterans


Scottish Government
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

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