
Stroke Improvement Plan

The Stroke Improvement Plan sets out the priorities and actions to deliver improved prevention, treatment and care for all people in Scotland affected by stroke.

4. Measuring and Monitoring

41. There are already established processes that are embedded in the stroke community around monitoring and reporting. Monitoring and reporting have continually developed over the years through the Scottish Stroke Care Audit (SSCA) data collection, and were embedded throughout the period of the HEAT target. This has moved on significantly, and Boards are now able to access real time data, which enables meaningful improvements to be made.

42. The Scottish Stroke Care Audit is one tool that will be used to measure and monitor performance against the priorities in this Plan. Other tools include MCNs/Boards collecting their own local data to help inform improvement through small tests of change. Some Scottish Government funded projects will also provide a means of measurement.

43. Boards have set their own trajectories and actions to achieve the Stroke Care Bundle, included in Local Delivery Plans.

The Scottish Stroke Improvement Team and the Scottish Stroke Care Audit

44. The central SSCA team maintain the eSSCA database enabling MCNs to access data and reports on a daily basis. The central SSCA team also prepare routine reports to allow Boards and others to monitor progress towards priorities.

45. Data collection is done locally, with reports being prepared by the SSCA central team monthly, quarterly and annually. Boards, via their MCN, are encouraged to utilise this information to highlight trend or areas of local variation from the standards, and of course best practice.

46. Data are published annually in the SSCA National Report and Public Summary. The Scottish Stroke Improvement Team visit all Boards at least once per year facilitating a formal review of stroke care at a local MCN Review Meeting which includes other Board representatives (Board management and clinical teams) to assess performance, discuss where standards are not being met and formulate an improvement plan with clearly identified actions.

47. It should be noted that during all aspects of this process the role of the Scottish Stroke Improvement Team will be to support the MCNs to evaluate their performance, identify areas of concern and work with them to implement local action plans that will lead to improvement in performance against the priorities in this Plan, the Scottish Stroke Care Standards, and delivery of the Stroke Care Bundle to all patients and ultimately improve the delivery of stroke care across Scotland.

48. The Stroke Improvement Lead will continue to monitor the progress against the priorities in this Plan, the Scottish Stroke Care Standards and the Stroke Care Bundle, reporting progress to the MCNs, the National Advisory Committee for Stroke and the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates.


Email: Margaret Syme

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